Drop in the bucket though compared to Trump travels.

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Trump is laughably bad at his job.

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So trumps repetitive comments about “women with tape on their mouth“ which apparently was always paired with the mad max supercars and prayer rugs abandoned near the border, all appear in a movie called Sicario: Day of Solado. Trump has now gone a full Reagan in the mixing up movies with real life. #Dementia.

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Tax haven.

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And Trump whines because the Democrats won't give him 5 billion for his damn wall, when there no plans or any idea on what to do with all that money. Just as the Pentagon disappears trillions Trump and his cronies could make that 5 billion vanish too and we will still not be safe from terrorists with souped up cars and duct tape.

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Well, Christian Bale did do that interview where he talked about how Trump genuinely believed he was Bruce Wayne...I honestly don't think he has the capacity to focus on anything long enough to watch an entire movie, because of that pesky tertiary syphilis-induced dementia, but I would 100% believe Miller taking advantage of that to show him movie clips to wind him up and then let him rage free.

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Leonard Pitts Jr., a columnist for the Miami Herald, ince suggested we should refer to the oughts as the "uh-ohs."

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Even if they scraped together 7,500 agents that's $4,000 per person, which seems like a lot to me.

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Headhunting consultant Accenture Federal Services was awarded a $297-million contract to bring in 7,500 new agents over five years.

Someone needs to look into who owns that company, who is on the board, and who they are connected to in Washington.

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Can you spell Trump

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Job requirements: Must like incarcarating small children. Be able to tell if they have a mexican accent. Must be loyal to trump

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We don't need no stinking brains to do this job. Over a million a piece for new hires. What a joke and I bet Trump is getting a kickback from Accenture. Grifters gotta grift

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now, is the white supposed to be off-white or is it just dirt?

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Actually, as the Chosen One, he probably could do it alone.

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Blasphemer! Spell out those words!

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Hmmm, sounds like the problem our not so beloved RCMP has recruiting. "Nah, don't feel like working in a toxic environment with a bunch of rape-y assholes, for some reason."

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