Here is a little gossip. I know someone who knows someone who works for Trump. The other night I asked why he was doing all this and they said it was because he owes so much money to certain people and they told him to do this. Then they said, no, they *required* him to do it. Sounded about right to me. Two years ago I went to look at the apartment/hotel he recently built in Lower Manhattan. It was basically a beige dorm room with a mini bar for over a million plus and you can't stay there for longer than a few weeks in any given year. This is a much better idea than McCain's 7 or 12 I can't remember how many exactly homes for America. You don't own anything, you can't live there, and you pay through the nose forever. I think a fun Presidency is just what we need. Barry be more fun!

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We have a president who has executive experience. The bigger question now is do we want a president with gobs of "executive experience" who has gone bankrupt 3 times on <i>casinos</i>?

"I am not a Trump fan" - Yes you are. Romney has had executive experience. Why aren't you touting him to balance the budget and make a stronger economy?

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i read that as george bernard shaw and was very confused for a moment.

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Mr. Chump's mistake (among many, many others) was to answer the question first and then inquire "Why do you ask?"

Any married man with a clue to his name can tell you that order should be reversed.

While I do find this mildly entertaining, he clearly isn't RFPT (Ready For Prime Time)...

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well maybe, but they were all pretty bad decisions.

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this will be just like the palin campaign only with fewer babies and more bankruptcies.

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Oh yeah ... the far-rational wing of the GOP is totally fucked. File under "reap what you sow". (That's in the bible, ain't it?)

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And he praised Obama in his book. What more proof do you need? (And how exactly is that going to play with the real ameriKKKans he's trying to cater to?)

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Heh - like that other huge smoking crater, it could wipe out wingnuts as a species.

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Hey, at this stage, that might be exactly the expertise we need. He told his creditors to stuff it ... maybe he plans to do the same to the Chinese?

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"Who are those people? How many of them vote?"

Google "Michele Bachmann"

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"We are not a respected nation anymore. The world is laughing at us."

Trump said it. With a straight face. The man needs to get his irony detectors replaced.

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In that case, wouldn't Trump be not only their candidate, but also their client?

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I dunno, I believe Italy once elected a real porn star to Parliment.

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When will there be the tortuous interview with Katie Couric, that's what I want to know.

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