how do you find time to give love to 14 grandchildren?

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Harvard (or National) Lampoon? Mid-70s vintage? Way to recycle, Doc.

Another favorite from that era [letter to the editor]:

"Take my wife. Please. Bitch be all stretched out."

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The Graham cracker. (He's from South Carolina, too.)

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Hey, everybody! Guess which grandchild heard that Papa sells more Chevrolet, GM, and Mitsubishi cars and trucks that any dealer in the Tri-State area?!

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And with thy spirit.

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Only the wealthy could feed, clothe, and educate that many offspring. Unfortunately, taking away a woman's right to reproductive choices, ending all social safety nets, and moving toward a low-wage/ultra rich society would make it a very hard life for all non-Romneys out there.

MITTENS 2012!!!

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Speaking of Christmas cards, where's the picture of the rent-boy leaving Lindsey Graham's house?

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The James Dobsons' and Tony Perkins' of this world are going to eventually endorse Mitt for President. This is inconceivable now, but just wait! Mark my words. The entertaining part will be all the contortions they will have to perform to argue why his socialist agenda as governor, and PRO-anti-Christ beliefs are irrelevant to his candidacy.

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Is that what Mormons call sex, a "walk"?

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Okay, here's a personal favorite:

"We won the silver!", said Romney, who was among the dozen or so losers of the Iowa caucus.

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Watch out, there's a troll lurking in here. Your deliciously funny comment was sporting a great big zero a second ago.

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Wow, Romney has more child brides than Warren Jeffs.

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Palin vs. Romney in the primaries will be an ugly, mudslinging catastrophe.

Who wants popcorn?

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And everyone one of those little rug rats will grow to knock on your door just when you are sitting to eat dinner. Mormons. Gah! Gah I say!

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Mittens Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, the first state in the union to legalize gay marriage, and home of RomneyCare. Also, he's in a <i> "cult."</i> This is going to be so awesome.

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