OT: While we are discussing the adolescent behavior of the boys at the DC, I thought it appropriate to share their <a href="http:\/\/loltrap.com\/pictures\/7658d0dd31ff8ec12a3933f064e000a1.jpg" target="_blank">favorite action figure</a>.

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I call bullshit on the assertion that the "Daily Tucker" ever examines itself in any regard. The cognitive dissonance would be too painful.

And in other media meta-news, it's entertaining to read this <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/08\/18\/magazine\/laura-poitras-snowden.html\?pagewanted=all" target="_blank">six-clicker</a> about anarcho-syndicalist filmmaker Laura Poitras and her struggles with Big Gummint as she enables drone-bait Snowden's <strike>leaks</strike> destruction of organized society.

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Oh I get it now. duh!

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I look forward to the DC balancing this with "11 Blackies who give us Hardins", compiled by Spoons Goya.

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Yes, we get the unbearable stench of deeply ingrained misogyny wafting from the fetid pit you call a website. We totally get it, and wish we didn't.

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Apparently you should never use even numbers for a listicle because odd numbers are more memorable.

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The captions are infantile. <em>...age like a fine wine that you want to see naked</em>?

Have the fellas over at the DC ever even spoken to a woman?

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"Don't move, Kate Upton, he's going to getcha, getcha getcha, getcha."

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Lining up his putter on the back 9.

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And an Associate Side-Boob Editor.

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