"And the crowd is horrified by the sight of no blood!"

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At least he's not teaching Our Kids.

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I egged his house when I was little. Repeatedly.

The Clyde Hill PD took the whole matter very seriously.

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Sox fans certainly felt that way...

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Fuck you Friday and goodby. Fuck you to those people who think letting kids be who they are in the Boyscouts is "bigotry. Fuck you police state who spy on the good guys and completely miss the bad guys while crying like a temper tantrum'd teenager when someone looks cross-eyed at you. Fuck you austeritistas...especially when you restore funding to the part of the budget that might delay your return to the home state to grift for more money. Fuck you judges would would make Mr. Bumble say, "now hold on there, my good man." And mega-fucks to the New Gilded Age Kochs who think it would be great if all society were like that. Fuck you, Steven Crowder for being just another hateful cog in the big old hateful machine our world is turning into. Fuck you religious lunatics who think carving up some dude on the street pleases your "god". Fuck your god and fuck you. (and a fuck you to the more pale lunatics who do stupid shit for their god too. You're not carving people up...yet. But, when you do I'm sure you'll be subtle about it..maybe send folks to workhouses?) Fuck you, Barry for not keeping closer tabs on that Keystone Kops mob you call a staff and double fuck you if it turns out you were actually behind that shit.

Hooray...twins going to Space Camp.

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Unlike, say, torture apologists and destroyers of democracy such as John Yoo, currently serving hard time as a tenured professor at Berkeley Law School. Ken Starr, the serial impeacher, is president of Baylor University. Most of the other mass murderers turned down academic appointments because they can wield more power and haul in more cash as policy wonks at places like the Heritage Foundation (David Addington). Addington and Yoo killed and tortured a whole lot more people than the combined efforts of the Weathermen. If you're counting.

At least Kathy Boudin served her time and was rehabilitated.

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You could add a couple of lone wolves like Kazinski, the Unabomber, who was part left-wing and part batshit crazy.

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Glee Club of the Damned FTW.

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Ben's face looks more like a camel than a horse.

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They still reek though...

For a people who know how to make their own soap, they sure don't seem to fuckin' know how to use the stuff.

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Did they ever catch Ignignokt?

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Can you imagine the shitstorm if cops infiltrated teabagger movements? Oh wait, they're all actually <i>in</i> the teabagger groups already.

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Patience, people. You can't get the feeling of winning after 86 years until you've actually waited the 86 years.

(Memo to Cubs fans: after 100 years, well, you're just showing off.)

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We all know that terrorists only come from the left.

When someone from the right commits an act that <em>looks</em> like terrorism, this person is a Disgruntled Patriot, and is only trying to protect the constitution and America.

This wasn't the Boston Police Anti-Disgruntled Patriot Unit.

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...with their <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=TNYMxgNKIEU" target="_blank">terrifying weaponry</a>.

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