Right wingers love the death penalty but hate government power (such as to collect grazing fees). If the government can kill you, it doesn't really need any other powers.

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Fox: "Obama persecutes brave POW!"

In 3...2...1....

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<i>"O is a traitor and should be tried and jailed..."</i>

No death penalty for "O"? These guys are losing their venom.

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George Washington, land surveyor for the Northwest Territory?

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Sadly, I have a feeling that even if Bergdahl isn't court-martialed (or even if he is but not put before a firing squad), some "patriot" will feel the need to dispense summary justice ayway.

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Ladies, I have never felt the need to buy a gun.

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How would the wingnuts react if the BLM killed Bundy's cows?

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Satan's Facebook page?

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Remember when the Winger outrage was that 'not enough' was being done to secure the poor guy's release?

Ah, the good times!

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Bergdahlazi will garner more time and debate than Snowmaggedon and land B Barry Bamz in more hot water with the right since they were just about to agree on global warming until Blizzard 2015 reared its ugly hear.Inpeach and Execute are the words of the day my children

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You misspelled Sarah Palin there.

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