He might want to consider the Unfrozen Cavemen alternative.

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See? Another injustice! Corrupt! Needz moar whining & stamping of feet!

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but for COVID-19 Kamala Harris would have been the nominee and won not only the Oval Office but the Senate as well. TRUMP got off easy

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Briscoe looks like a 16 year old nerd trying to cosplay a cowboy in that Twitter pic. And i feel okay in saying that because I was a nerd at 16, although I don't remember ever trying to look like a cowboy at any point.

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And checked the Resolute desk drawers for any upper deckers.

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😒Briscoe Cain is my state representative. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😠

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You beat me to it, another cosplay cowboy.

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Hang it in the least used room, with the other bad presidents.

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My heart goes out to you. But then, I have Tillis as a senator, not to mention Jesse Helms' legacy out here.

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Where'd that bitch-faced lawyer come from? A Dallas Buyers Club cosplay convention?

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The "media mob" is NOT liberal. https://www.webfx.com/blog/...

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I wonder if any of trump's lawyers will get paid.

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I wouldn't go to any part of Philly dressed like a cowboy wannabe freak. "What the fuck are you dressed for? Halloween was last week Wyatt Earp. Is there a fucking rodeo in town?"

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I'm wondering...just because the campaign lawyers (hope they got some $$ up front, b/c they ain't getting paid afterwards--win, lose or draw) bundle into Clerk of Courts' offices with motions, declarations and requests for action, why do they think they should get placed on the docket right then & there; thousands of regular cases filed on emergency basis are often brushed aside, b/c a determination is made that a judgement on the merits of the case is unlikely given the current underlying evidence.

They are obviously not filing affidavits and statements of people who have witnessed irregularities, or who can swear that they have been disenfranchised; TROs have to have a certain level of proof before a judge will agree to one, right? I don't get how the Supremes can be making rulings on State elections, still in process, in the absence of any lower court sustaining a request for a hearing on an injunction.

Aren't those shitheads supposed to be Originalists? There's not a single word in the Constitution about a Federal Court having a role in State trial court matter.


(quick story--on another site's msg board, a person claimed that they went to a polling place to drop off their ballot they received by mail--in Nevada--and not one worker checked their signature, verified their identity or questioned anything. I suggested that if that was in fact true then they should either:write out a statement, have it notarized and find a lawyer, orconsider themselves to have cast an illegal ballot.

Along with several others who poked holes in various aspects in the tale, the point must've been made, as the person simply hasn't responded since.)

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