I thought my fucking teeth were going to fall out when I had braces and a jaw expander, so in my experience, constant pain = results. (until you stop wearing your retainer, then all hell breaks loose)

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I'm so disgusted with the previous generations. No one took this shit seriously. People throughout the ages have had their entire lives destroyed by monsters and the people who were suppose to protect them as children protected the monsters instead.

I'm glad there is finally a reckoning. I'm saddened that an organization I enjoyed attending as a child was not immune to the neglect and indifference that pervaded society but I am not surprised. I hope, now that the almighty dollar has been invoked that people will finally be motivated to do the right thing and protect the innocent that have been placed under their care.

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Well, it's kind of an inside baseball thing, y'know? Mean to say, it's all about who's pitching, and who's catching, 'fyaknowutImean.

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Damn it! That always happens. Fuck!

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Hmm. Needs work, I think.

1. Should replace the 'A' in the center with an asterisk.2. Replace the wings with flames.

Much more effective symbolism.

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IK, R?!

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I was a GSA leader for years. They have a very strong policy that no single adult is left alone with a child. Take the whole crew to the bathroom if one needs to go then It Is Bathroom Time! Leaders do night-check and check on the scouts *together*. It would require coordination to implement any abuse.

Training in an inadequate approach and does not protect children.

You can not combine homophobia and the protection of children.

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My parents yanked me out when they started planning a trip to a WWE event. One of the few things I have to be grateful for.

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A Mr Kafka on Line 1

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Especially since fear of abuse was often cited as one of the reasons they didn't want gay scout leaders.

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Apparently not believing in God somehow affects one's ability to tie fancy knots.

Maybe so. That would explain why I never made it to First Class because I could do the knots.

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I mean.. it's vaguely bullet shaped.

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Is there any kind of insurance that isn't fucking evil?

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So, when it becomes a civil suit there is a point to which it isn't necessarily about restitution or compensation but making the fine so big that the company will go under for its sins or at least make real changes because their bank account has been hit.

I'd prefer some people go to prison but that's hoping for too much in this day and age.

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As long as he gets to "wet his beak".

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I don't know how familiar you are with BSA YPT, but homophobia has nothing to do with it. BSA has had no one-on-one for a long time.

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