Remember when those German tourists visited Poland on September 1, 1939?

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Pity the poor (R) politician, facing his/her immediate lifestyle choices and future career prospects:

1) Tell the truth in general, and about the election and Trump specifically, and receive death threats, get kicked off committees, lose any chance of party leadership, get primaried by the insane clown posse in the next election, and have Trump & Co denigrate you to the media, which will lap it up like your dog dives for chicken bits that fall to the kitchen floor.

2) Lie like a rug, join in the insane lying by the highest-level so-called 'leadership', especially that Bozo from Bakersfield, while protecting criminals from congressional and legal exposure, and laughing in a slightly embarrassed way when Matt shows you a naked 18 year-old woman on his phone on the floor. But maybe you won't be primaried and maybe nobody will notice you are part of the conspiracy.

3) Or, you know, quit this shit show and get an actual job doing something worthwhile. I read that restaurants are hiring.

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Wait, is that what he said? I thought it was was all part of a tour promoting his autobiography: "Read my lit! New new text-es!"

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it is kind of perfect that the Hon. Congressman Goober's ride is a F-150 extended cab that looks like it never saw so much as a speck of Georgia red clay in its (short) lifetime...

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Another photo emerges. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Pizzagate and eating babies

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Demand answers from MSM

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clyde and most of the rest of the republicans have touched the hem of the garment of the Great Liar. they take their verbal chaos cues from tfg.

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Our congresscritter has chosen to go with Option 2.

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Even though our congresscritter is an unrepentent asshole (because of gerrymandering) Savannah welcomes tourists, so please come visit!

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This photo is even more damning, since Clyde is obviously terrified. Not that it'll stop him from lying, though. Hey, maybe the rioters tried to kill him, but he still wants their votes!

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Don't tourists always smear their shit on the floors and walls? Or is that only at Mar-a-Lago?

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Hey, it worked with the Pilgrims...

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What's with the leather strap he always sports? Does he carry a man purse? A shootin' iron? or does it just hold up his truss/

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"Tourists, oh heavens, did you see how tacky their outfits are?"

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No Republican does.

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