What the hell...Tepco springs a tiny leak and its CEO takes to his sick bed with the vapors. He should man up like Tony Hayward and bitch about wanting his life back.

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bp oil spill, radioactive water and terry jones. which is the grossest form of pollution we wonder.

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What if they mutate into horrible creatures bent on the destruction of humanity? Oh wait.

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Neither. I'm practicing moderation in my advancing years. I only drink scotch for the flavor...especially when I'm reading Playboy for the articles.

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Hey, those executives deserve this bonus. Not one of them got cut as they were being shaved, stabbed themselves with a gold fork as they placed caviar in their mouth or got their finger slammed in the limo door as the chauffer closed it for them for a whole year. Well done!

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Macrocunt =/= micropenis.

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That was Mothra.

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In the era of the 5-second attentions span, there ARE no consequences anymore.

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Why I'm glad I'm no longer paying for CNN, the end.

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I propose that the radioactive leak be plugged by Terry Jones + BP executives. What a beautiful solution.

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"Mmm, force-fed children make the best fast food," said Jonathan swiftly.

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OT, but I had an awesome weekend. Saturday was my 50th birthday. I got many bottles of scotch from my friends.

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