<a href="http://www.etiquettehell.com" target="_blank"> <a href="http://www.etiquettehell.com</a>" target="_blank">www.etiquettehell.com</a></a> had a great story a few days ago about a wedding at which there were signs that the couple were forgoing thank-you notes and donating the costs of the notes and postage to charity. I suppose that sounded impressive to some people until you realize that they ducked a fairly serious obligation in return for donating less than $100.

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If the couple were "Palin" they'd have charged money to attend the wedding.

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The Post Office is broke and can't pay its bills. How about auctioning off pieces of mail instead of delivering them? Or, instead of employees 'going postal' they could commit armed robberies when they do deliver mail.

These are the out-of-the-box ideas that Speaker Gingrich would be proud of.

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yeah but they got orgies and vomitoriums and we get bobby jindal.

(this was supposed to have been posted many hours ago).

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Is it me, or does anyone else think that American Exceptionalism is a sick joke?

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Maybe in the end Bradley Manning will have succeeded at one of the great humanitarian acts of the 21st century.

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Rome was driven by unrestrained mercantilism, as are we, and it appealed to 'Rome exceptionalism' when that was useful in duping either its own citizens or those of other regions. Had the Romans developed the corporation, they would have become a corporatocracy, instead of a 'family-ocracy' of merchant princes (or assholes, depending on your perspective).

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