I usually wear my hair very simple and short because I garden a lot and like to wash it often. For now I'm keeping the bangs trimmed so I can see out, but letting the rest go. When my hairdresser and I feel safe reconnecting I intend to ask her to take this opportunity to try a new and exciting cut.

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Lizzie only killed a couple of people. This woman is the Typhoid Mary of the movement.

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If they had sheltered in place instead of wandering out in the desert the nuclear waste wouldn't have made them gigantic.

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Mom was one hell of an R.N. and trained a whole generation of LPNs in our home county. R.N.s rule.

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Thanks, vim. I'll make you proud.

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There was/is a salon in Columbus, OH with that very name!

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If you're an R.N. you already have. Nurse humor: Mom said that one time on the floor they were leading a nursing class through, entering different rooms to discuss cases with the students. One of Mom's co-workers takes a clean urine sample bottle and fills it with apple cider, which looks amost identical, caps it, marks the bottle and puts it in a tray of samples bound for the lab, right next to a room the class is approaching. As they arrive the nurse walks up, says, "My God, I'm thirsty!" Spies the tray, grabs the cider bottle, takes off the top, downs it, gives a hearty sigh and says, "That hit the spot!" Walks off. Thirty years later Mom was still laughing about it.

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the old 'stash a second year med student among the first years cadavers and have them casually get up and wander off' is a fave too

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it was only a matter of time...

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You want to save that one for halloween.

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Damn, Robyn, I’m so impressed you know about Lester Maddox! I remember when he was (kind of) elected governor of Georgia when I was a kid, and being gobsmacked. Most people know about George Wallace from that era, but I thought Lester’s racism had largely been forgotten. Glad others also remember it.Great analogy, too.

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Many are making clients sign waivers. My old hair salon, Van Michael Salons in Atlanta, for example.

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‘I see people out running errands, rushing back into their lives, and it’s like: “Why? What reason could possibly be good enough?” Sometimes, I think about stopping and showing them one of the empty body bags I have in the trunk. “You might end up here. Is that worth it for a haircut or a hamburger?”’ ~ Michael Fowler, coroner in Dougherty County, Georgia, the epicenter of rural Georgia’s covid epidemic, talking to the Washington Post about Georgia re-opening..

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And of course the insanity of describing her as Rosa Parks at a rally being held in one of the White Flight suburbs of Dallas was noted by nobody.

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You speak the truth.


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Make some ciabatta for a change, much easier than SD,

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