You could still say, "If you don't get off my porch and stop harassing me, I'm going to use MY 2A rights".

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Who is financing Bundy? That's who you need to arrest.

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Armed or not, most of these pansies wouldn't last 5 minutes in the South Bronx or East Harlem.

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Sovereign Citizens can be hilarious.

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But some people are SO DESERVING.

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Free range Trumpbillys high on Jesus juice and armed to the teeth are a dangerous bunch. They are an army of morons looking for relevance. They need to become an endangered species. THE CURE IS NEAR On NOV 3RD FLUSH DAT TURD.

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I think a lot of those red state idiots have already been drinking Lysol hehehe and ammonia and snorting ajax and rubbing alcholol heheh. Nothing kills them fuktardos. Jesus juice is powerful shit in hands of idiots.

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But if the governor won't come outside, it just won't work.

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The surprise is the armed insurrection.

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Sadly, what you say is too true.

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They're "Sovereign" all right. Just not on the roads our tax dollars build and maintain, nor the police and fire departments that keep them safe, the public hospitals that can provide care when sick or injured, or the regulators and inspectors that keep their food, water, and medicines safe. Let's not forget FEMA and the Forest Service Firefighters either. Nope, they've created the most hilarious fictions, their little cosplay games end though the minute they get into real trouble and start praying to sky daddy for the National Guard to show up and rescue their sorry asses.

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The Obama group let Bundy off the hook, no drama and so forth. So here we are. Live with it.

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BOLT45 is the new power drink in Washington. That shit will make you faster than Trump running from question's.

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It's infuriating that these "people" basically held these cops hostage while they ranted and raved, all the while threatening them for doing their jobs.

Also sickening listening to these same RWNJ trying to reverse psychology these policemen into disobeying all orders except for the letter of the constitution as interpreted by them.

I really think these "people" could be charged with assault and possibly other charges for intimidating these officers into shaking their hands before they would leave. Only one officer willingly shook, and only because he was taken aback by the sudden offer of the extended hands over the line the mob was repeatedly warned not to cross because it was private property.

Corona on those documents, hands, this was an attack as I see it.


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Roz : Did you get my memo?Violet Newstead : I did, Roz. I tore right through it.


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We will NOT set by idle, etc., etc.

They can carve that on his tombstone:


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