I will never not upvote a Monkees gif.

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Once again, Trump hires only the best people, and they inevitably betray him.

Only because they inevitably learn that he will attack them for even the slightest perceived disrespect.

It still amazes me that so many people were wiling to tie the political fortunes, reputations, and possible freedom to this man. It's obvious he has no concept that loyalty is a two-way street. He'd throw Dumbass Jr and Eric under the bus just to beat a parking ticket.

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Barr said on Dec. 1 there was no evidence of fraud. TFG went ballistic. TFG still can't admit he lost. Of course he never admits anything.

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Rain water and pure grain alcohol are the best beverages for maintaining your purity of essence.

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The Republicans need Trump to stir up the lunatics. The Nikki Haley-types aren't going to get the rubes all hot and bothered.

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Don’t even execute racists who are straight up traitors. E.g. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. Fuckers both died in bed.

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No, because Himmler and Beria were punished. ☹️ Or at least killed. Unless I just think that and I’m filled with wishful thinking.

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Letting Sidney Powell into the White House is a definite sign of madness.And if Barr had any possible way, legal or constitutional, to annul Biden's election on legal grounds, any way that wouldn't have led to his facing charges, he'd have done it.If Mike Pence had any possible way, legal or constitutional, to reverse the Biden win by refusing to read the Electoral College votes, any way that wouldn't have failed, and led to his facing charges, he'd have done that. Barr must be so disappointed that he isn't going to found the U.S. theocracy he desires. Or not just yet. He and his ilk will keep trying, though, that's for sure.

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Gotta love a good gardening analogy! Apropos.

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You've got to wonder what Barr was thinking. He was about 65 years old and didn't need the work.

The idea of VOLUNTARILY going to work for Donald Trump and getting himself into this -- WHY?

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Trump Tattoo Parlors. Where the sepsis is implied.

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A few years back, we took a real vacation. Drove out to the Grand Canyon, then down to Phoenix (International Ferret Symposium), then up to Yellowstone before heading home. Fun, fun, fun.

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a little from column a and a little from column b

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It's the radioactive turd image rehab relaunch.

Sure Barr was a lying corrupt failed dictator-maker, but at least after trump lost and it was clear a million tons of BS wouldn't patch trumpty dumpty back together again, Barr asked for his balls back.

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Barr later told others that the comment was reminiscent of a line in the movie Dr. Strangelove, in which the main character, Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper, says, "I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence." Trump, Barr thought, was saying that he had been denying him his essence.

It's the Atlantic, so they probably didn't mean it that way, but I am struggling in vain not to read this as a dick joke.

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