That's what I been saying, and in the same place.

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Take care, ziggy. HUGS.

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Somebody could take it and try to insert it in you, by hand. But 'splosions are easier.

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Maybe not long-term but at the start of COVID DeSatanist was the GQP's newest star. They loved him, and TFG hates him for it and as everyone knows: as goes TFG, so goes the GQP.

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So close!"These 8 Conservative Men Are Making no Apologies"


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I tried Google Translate, but they don't have "Frontier Gibberish" as an option.

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So how long before we get a letter from Bowen's parents to the judge about how he can't eat his favorite foods anymore because he has the sadz?

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NYPD: Cameras not operational in several key subway stationsThe NYPD says surveillance cameras at the token booth and platform are not operational at the 36th Street, 45th Street and 24th Street stations. Police say it is an MTA issue.A police camera on 36th Street was working, but it is not clear where the suspect entered - or exited - the system. Sources tell CBS2 that although the cameras, including the live feed, was not operational, authorities have asked the MTA to open the cameras for the memory, to see if the memory recorded and can be retrieved.

Once again, "New York's Finest" is doing its best to blame others as for why they let a suspect in a terrorist attack get away.

At least the suspect is described as "Black, about 5 feet 5 inches tall" so the racist fuckers on the NYPD have some incentive to catch him.

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Roberts has been looking to get rid of the Voting Rights Act since he was a junior-league fascist in the Reagan Administration.

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"We don't want to ruin his life."- The judge

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This kid is seriously fucked up and the justice system is failing his victims horribly.

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It should be noted that Ol' Swampy Trump and his cronies have been arguing for two years that only the state legislature has any control over voting, and that it is unconstitutional for the executive branch to have any say.

Unless you are in Florida and are screwing Democrats, apparently.

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Ugh. I shouldn't have read this with food in my stomach.

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But what about the serial rapist's feelings???

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tl;dr version: "Give up". Thank you, that was very helpful.

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