Look at them brave Republicans defending their country against their President's crazy by doing WORDS!

And not really succeeding in that even.

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The entire GOP:


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One of them really IS an antifa!

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She'll be furrowing her brow any moment. Wait for it.

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"Do you think the term 'Chinese food' is racist?"

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An avalanche? I mean, we are snowflakes after all, right?

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meh. fuck the economist. as a million year subscriber they are often wildly wrong about the US. they are often never wrong about the rest of the world.

(BTW: i love TE. but lexington really seriously gets america wrong. all of the lexingtons do... and i'm old enough to remember when they didn't have one...).

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that's naughty and incredibly funny :)

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"Why would you fan the flames? That's all I'm going to say," sighed Lisa Murkowski when Politico's Burgess Everett her with a printout of the president's words.

"Why would you ask me to commit myself to something unambiguous? I think right now as we are, as we are all struggling to ... find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately, questions about whether I think the orange pumpkin is or is not an idiot is, I think, distracting to the moment. Although it is conceivable that I perhaps we are getting to a point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up. But not yet."

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. . . whom we spackled over with the last shreds of our integrity to keep him in that office?

Don't you know I'm an important and busy person? Why are you bothering me?

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But at least it's got some real gold on it.

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Brow furrowing!

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Sorry, should have read down. Maybe even a smallish tilt of her head?

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Fewer hores. Because we are vulgar, but grammatical as hell here.

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I'm kind of old. My dad, who fought Fascists in the 40s, raised me to hate Nazis. I'm kind of wondering if I'm on a list somewhere.

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The entire GOP has never heard of him...except the Nazis and white-supremacists. Whoops! That's all of them!

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