Hiring the militia... That's funny and sad... what a bunch of losers....However you do know that all gun sales whether at a "gun show", or not, are all subject to the firearm transfer laws of that state. So... for example.... here in MI... If an individual were to purchase a firearm at a gun show from an FFL Dealer (Federal(ly licensed) Firearms Dealer) dealer. That person would have to either have a valid CPL (Concealed Pistol Licence) or pass a background check. In Michigan a "long gun" (as described by law i.e.: Rifle or shotgun ) firearm may be transferred between private individuals, WITHIN the state of MI, without a background check at any venue (I have a bit of a problem with that in principle), But to purchase a pistol, from an FFL dealer or a private individual, the purchaser must either have a valid CPL or a Permit to purchase that pistol. That pistol is then, in effect, registered with the local police department. INTERNET sales must be consummated by a local FFL. In other words, if you purchase a firearm thru the internet that firearm will be delivered ONLY to an FFL and the internet dealer WILL not send that firearm to your selected agent UNLESS they have a valid FFL licence on file for that business. Once you go pick up the firearm, you are still subject to a background check and all the local requirements in the same manner as if you had purchased the firearm from the dealer providing the transfer service. Also... The BATFA does not take a high volume of casual gun sales perpetrated by a single individual lightly. If you are repeatedly buying and selling guns they will come down on you hard. I am not sure what the threshold is, but a half dozen or so per year is what I have heard. It has been my experience that all the FFL dealers I have come in contact with are VERY conscientious of the the law and their responsibilities and will not sell a firearm to ANYONE that they feel has nefarious intentions. The data show that there is a very small portion of FFL dealers that put into the market the majority of "crime guns" and this is a TRAGEDY. These irreputable dealers must be shut down.

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I have a dream that my AR-15's will one day live in a <strike>country</strike> NRA gun fondler's paradise where they will not be judged by the color of their barrel but by the content of their magazine.

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<i>honoring two leaders assassinated using firearms by raffling off a semiautomatic rifle, Reynolds said only “I’m not going to go there today.”</i>

Instead of his usual response, "We're just trying to make more of them to honor".

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Whites own guns at approaching double the rate of blacks (44% vs 27%). If those statistics were reverse, I believe conservatives would be screaming for gun control.

Sarah Silverman "Black NRA": <a href="http:\/\/www.funnyordie.com\/videos\/f876edd60c\/black-nra" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/f876edd60c/black...">http://www.funnyordie.com/v...

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