"Over the weekend, Denmark, which is a member of NATO, announced it will donate to Ukraine its entire inventory of artillery shells, because apparently Denmark understands the seriousness of the situation."

Also, what would the Danes do with those shells anyway? Fire them into Schleswig-Holstein and trick the Germans into invading them again?

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just fucking fund ukraine. (when i actually die this is going to be carved on my whatever thing happens for dead people in 2025)

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"...whatever thing happens for dead people in 2025."

Taco Bell, probably.

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I have to say Senator Graham has the best acting chops in the Senate. When he makes his case, as he did for Mr. Kavanaugh, you really believe in your soul that he has one. I get fooled every time.

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Golf is everything.

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Problem is, Mr Syphilis has dirty videos on ALL GOPERVERTS, so they HAVE to do what he says .

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I really hate this reboot of "Berlin Diary".

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Infuriating. History is going to be harsher on these spineless enablers than it will be on PAB.

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Ha ha, not the way they'll teach history in Florida!

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From what I understand, most of the money for Ukraine will go to US weapons manufacturers. So, in addition to helping Russia, the Repukes are trying to trash the US economy. For them it's a two-fer.

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Snatching federal dollars out of defense contractors hands hardly sounds like a winning strategy for Republicans.

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Since so many have their snouts in the trough, I assume it is the ones who aren't getting kickbacks that object.

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Is Aunt Pittypat having another case of the vapors? Why, I do declare he is. Pass the smelling salts.

Srsly, what is the Vulgar Talking Yam's hold on Lindsey? It can't be that he's threatening to expose him. Because that is just the worst-kept secret in DC. So badly kept that it's not even a secret any longer.

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Yeah, but Graham's base doesn't believe it. If Trump outed him, they'd believe it and be at his front door with torches in 20 minutes.

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I was wondering...

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Manufacturing 5.6mm NATO bullets, mortar rounds, 155MM howitzer shells, 20mm rounds, etc. is not exactly high tech. We have and could now produce this stuff by the train load if we had the political will. FDR had a similar issue in 1939-41 but was able to find ways to workaround a myopic Congress. See, for example, Jon Meacham's "Franklin and Winston".

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Myopic morons, MAGAts, and chuds are turning the US into a failed state as we watch.

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Don't worry. They'll be sure to blame it on us.

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Lindsay has my invitation to sit his ass down on his literal shitty ladybugs

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Hurting America is paramount if that's what President Klan Robe wants. And Murc's Law assures that the electorate will never hold them to account.

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Please pull up the fainting couch for Miss Lyndsey. It's obvious Mr. Putin is holding the many photos of Miss Lyndsey abusing so many Trump farts in front of naked little boys. Oh the humanity! (Allegedly)

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"we spend more on our military, in raw dollar terms, than the next nine countries combined." Is this why we can't have nice things?

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Yes, it is.

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Remora fish everywhere think Graham’s a disgusting suck-up.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 20

Dickhead Hawaiian congressweasel who is part of the ''Problem Causers Caucus" on MSNBC linking the border with aid to Ukraine, etc, like a common MAGAt. That caucuses real name (Problme Solvers Caucus) has always been a 100% lie, as those of us in the former NY-33 knew when we had the lying, evil, money-grubbing Tom Reed, Jr. for over ten fucking years.

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