But Oprah said!

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Does "have a great day" mean the same thing as "bless your heart"? Asking for a southern friend.

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No, it comes from a death penalty case in Texas, back from when I lived there. Some poor guy was on death row and had filed an appeal against his death warrant because the judge had put a smiley face on it, as part of his signature IIRC.

There was something the judge said during an interview from back then and the take home message for me was that there was always room for saying something nice, even if you were being an asshole or you were pointing out that you though someone else was.

Since then, that is my closing statement for any correspondence. I dont say sincerely, because that is quite likely a lie, but do hope everyone has a great day. That could be the great day (or good night's sleep according to 'Catch-22') that changes someone's life for the better.

Have a great day!

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I like that answer. :) Have a good weekend (meant sincerely).

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Liberals are not sociopaths. Lewandowski is a sociopath and, therefore, his natural political home is the Drumpf campaign or the Republican Party (I don't think Drumpf is a Republican, by the way.)

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Then don't say it.

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As in "a pair of Bristol Cities".

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she has pwetty hair!

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Speaking of drunk...

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for motorboating?

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The Situation should watch out for those teeth

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There's only one, I think. Didn't Tripp's baby-daddy win him back full time in court? (Sweet jeebus, I'm almost ashamed that I know that...)

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Very good. Say it 10 times in a row and you'll be cured.

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Remember, Oprah was born in Mississippi. Southern girls aren't taught the names of bodily organs.

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