The houseboy's name is really Nosario, as in "No siree o"? And he's not banging the family. What a coinkeydink!

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Wanna bet this guy hangs out at the local pickle park.

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He also makes divorcing couples with children wait six months to finalize their divorce in addition to forcing them to take a "parenting" class. Among my divorced friends in Lexington, he is the judge you never want to draw.

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It's how they classify themselves, anyway. To get around that whole silly idea that news is supposed to contain facts.

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Here's another: Intelligent Republican.

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That's a great picture! You really have a good eye.

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the meerkats? thanks. i call that one "are yours warm yet?"


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Is gay butt stuff anything like CIA butt stuff?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Ha! Well played!

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Lady Liberty?

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And certainly not sterile, a fertile medium for all the nastiness.

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I always like it when I can write LOL as a comment, and it's TRUE!

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Compassionate Republican. Yeah. Uh-huh. Right.

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"There is not a 12-year-old or 13-year-old or a 14-year-old in Fayette County, Kentucky, that doesn’t have to decide ‘Am I gay or am I straight?’ "

I would really like to see the survey he took to come up with that gem. Sorta makes me wonder if kids nowadays, particularly in Fayette County Kentucky, instead of getting the 'birds and bees' speech from their parents are now getting something like, "Okay, Johnny/Joanie, you're old enough now. You have to decide if you're a god-fearin', patriotic, real Amurkin straight or a depraved goin'-directly-to-hell, butt humpin'/shame canyon lickin' homo."

Oh, the times we live in. ⦕sigh⦖

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Republicans are such a bunch of know it alls....They can take one look and know everything because Jesus listens to them and talks to them..And they know things about things.....yup......lol....Ha yeah right in fact Republicans dont know shit from a shinny red onion.....They love to SPRINKLE fiction into a fact salad....and pass it off as an original truth filled..bowl of yummy s....They dont know a fact from a fuk you pie in face....idiots all of them.

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I'm not sure what that is, but the picture is beautiful. You missed your calling as a photographer of wildlife, and pets.

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