More from Melvin Goodman, on what the CIA did after it became obvious that the NIE was a world-class clusterfuck:

"We covered walls with charts documenting what we had said day by day and report by report. In my judgment, we came to the conclusions about what had gone wrong well in advance of any of the commissions that have looked at us."

Well in advance of your "review", Silberman. <i>Well in advance.</i>

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#2 was answered early on. #1, on the other hand, is a verrry interesting one.

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The dog wouldn't go near the stinking thing.

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Being a liar takes a level of intelligence that I refuse to accord to Dumbya. Maybe he fooled me by acting stupid, but I doubt it.

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That's some fog, that fog of war.

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Bush reportedly clipped Cheney's wings after the reelection in 2004, but by then, of course, the damage had been done.

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That's their "ace in the hole," if you don't happen to find this version as plausible as Jeb needs you to: "LOOK AT WHAT HILLARY CLINTON SAID ALSO TOO!!1"

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I'm sure there's more than a little self serving revisionism going on, as well. I don't think he masterminded any of it and likely was a true believer at first, but as the evidence became undeniable I think he reverted to "no one knew, how could we?" as a rationalization- he kept using the phrase "fog of war" the other night. And while that is certainly a handy excuse, I think for him at least, there was some fog...

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Wall Street Journal editorial, ergo bullshit.

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lol, considering that long after he'd healed up from the beating I'd still be unemployable, I chose discretion over valor. Not to mention the small army of guys talking into their wrists present that night...

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That would later form the basis of the Hobby Lobby decision.

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Jeb 2016: the sharpest knife in this particular drawer!

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FWIW, I just did an event last week that had W as keynote speaker. I listened to him for an hour- he really isn't very smart. Long after the fact, when nothing but his legacy matters (other than the historical revisionism for Jeb's 2016 run), he still clings to the simplistic, binary thinking he was famous for. He truly was over his head as POTUS. W is the politically savvy offspring of a powerful dynastic family who always failed upward. He really is the goofy frat bro with a world class pedigree. It's not that he's stupid, per se, but he seems to be incapable of seeing the bigger picture in life or thinking on a meta level. To this day he still falls back on the clichés and truisms that make up his world view, and embraces the slogans and sound bites of his party. The power behind the throne was obviously Darth Cheney, and it was he who manipulated the intelligence community and the fourth estate and sold us all the unmitigated bullshit that was the Iraq war. George was just along for the ride- and yes, it's not better, but even more pathetic than if he was cognizant of all the harm he caused.

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I was not aware that "lying" and "stupid" were an either/or proposition when it comes to the previous administration.

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