I hope you're right! Goodbye Pat Toomey, no matter what else happens! My county didn't vote for him last time, and I don't see them going for him this time, either.

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Great, now I'm salivating.

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GOP is going to steal this election. They can't win otherwise

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Only future elections have consequences and only if Republicans win them.

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Hell is empty & all the devils are here!! H/T to driftglass.

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First of all, I gotta say: Every time I see a new pic of that baby, I smile. What a little cutie!

As to the article: there are more than just 2 senators who may lose their jobs because of this obstruction. We only need to win back 5 seats to re-take the Senate, but I guess they haven't thought of the prospect of either Hillary or Bernie nominating a candidate to fill Scalia's seat, but a Senate also controlled by the Democrats! What a bunch of short-sighted idiots the GOPers are!

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On the news, it says that he's "vetting" the Republican Governor of Nevada. I don't know much about him yet, but it would sure throw a monkey-wrench into Mitch's stupid plan!

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Love it! Made me LOL.

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President Obama has 'em by the short hairs on this issue, just like other issues. Absolutely . . . THANKS OBAMA!

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OK, now we need a comedy sketch of Obama nominating Jesus Christ, and the GOP Senators panicking because not confirming him would get them branded anti-Christian. Dear SNL: please get on this!

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Mitch believes this president only gets 3/5 of a term.

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They're going to accuse him of underhanded tactics no matter what, so why not just go for it?

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So he wants to split hares?

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You got it, Geronimo, here's yer milk.

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Sometimes I just want to ask them "if the Democrats all jumped off a cliff, would you too?" But before I do, I haze off into a fantasy of what would happen if all of our elected officially chased one another off of a cliff, allowing us to start fresh....

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It's "Ha-ronimo" because Joe Don Baker.

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