I think easily half of NRA members (I am one although my membership is up this month and I can't afford to renew) are completely fine with background checks at gun shows, limits on magazine capacities (there are tens of millions of high capacity mags already sold), and registries for people with mental hospitalizations or spousal abuse charges. It's the hard right-types who are goaded on by the NRA's higher ups and board members. Every monthly magazine of theirs has 2 to 3 articles about how federal government restrictions or abolitions are just around the corner. Even during times of GOP Presidents it continues. And fellow travelers such as Sarah Palin and Larry the Cable Guy are featured at annual conventions to beat the drums. Founded in 1871 it was all about gun training and safety, marksmanship, and hunting and target sports until the mid-60s. About the same time the Goldwaterites starting taking over the GOP.

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They lost me at "the shooting community." Seriously, Gunhumpers, just grow the fuck up.

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See, my mom taught me that excessive gunsturbation would make me go blind. Why don't people listen?

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Sure, that's what the little fucker <i> wants</i> you to believe. They're like raccoons at that age, I tell ya.

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God punishing the gheys. Again.

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Excuse me while I take a peek in the kid's room again.

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I'm sure Idaho has a support group for that

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"Isn't that cute--they think we are advocates for responsible gun owners, rather than for <strike>gun manufacturers</strike> paranoid right-wing nutjobs."


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This is particularly ironic, given that the right to pack heat is the equivalent of the right to vote among the wingnut set. Some of them see it as a backup solution, for when the majority votes for the wrong candidate.

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A "remedy", you might say.

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Maybe "so easy a child could do it" wasn't such a great concept after all.

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The reaction if the 2-year-old had shot someone other than his own mother? Not hard to predict: The victim's family sues the kid's mother -an easy win, even in Idaho- and gets hate mail from the gun nuts.

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Menawhile, it's Grandpa that I've been talking to. I love it when that happens!

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They are childish, if that's what you mean.

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Eggzactly - the NRA was hijacked years ago by the far-right paranoid nutters. They divert the membership dues (about $250 million a year) to their own pockets (LaPierre hauls in $1.2 mil salary) and their own political ends -- and if anyone tries to form an alterative organization for sane gun owners, the NRA destroys their lives with Scientology-style tactics.

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The first is a threat to the second, as far as the gun nuts are concerned.

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