I would be really, REALLY nice to Hugh Laurie. <3

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I think your synopsis pretty much covers it. I would be seriously interested to know how many alt-right dudes drop their philosophy the moment they get lucky enough to land a girlfriend and just go back to being bog standard libertarians.

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Motion to have the word nice struck from life? Thank you.

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Ok bootlicker, fine, I'm stretching it a bit with the word "descendant" but MY sins? If I have kids I will make DAMN sure they don't end up like Venker or Schafly.

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Hell yeah, when I see some God-bothering Stepford wife trying to sell some misogynist bullshit about how WOMEN need to change to make them worthy of some fragile little man's affections, I'm bloody hostile. And as a matter of fact, people who don't really know me invariably describe me as 'nice' - everyone else freely acknowledges that I am a delightful bitch. I'm guessing from your comment that "pathetic" is a word often used to describe you.Bitter, lonely sexist much?

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As well you should! You're not a Republican lady though.

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No, I'm not, thank goodness.

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Sorry to tell you this, lady, but your hair stylist is not "nice." What she is is "working in customer service."

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Oh no, the veiled "bitter old spinster" threat - I've got Negging Bingo!Look buddy, I know it makes you feel wise and important, dispensing condescending "advice" as a disguise for your patronising disapproval;The problem we're having here is your complete inability to understand that NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK. About anything. You're not smart, or special, or even slightly original, but it is hilarious how seriously you make these cliched little pronouncements, you genuinely think you're displaying insight...I needed that laugh though, bless your heart :)

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Then those awful feminists refuse to realize that human filth like O'Reilly are just being "take charge" and "masculine" rather than sexual abusers and they go an sue them in court. That is so NOT nice! Thank Gawd we have Suzanne, a.k.a. Captain Obvious to explain to use the the abusers would rather we be nice! That's cleared that thorny issue up!

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Holy cow, that ad copy o_o "Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn't have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to let him walk all over her." gag

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Why not? It's as good a reason as any.

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With all due respect, I think you whiffed on your "nice" quote. I hereby offer one from M*A*S*H: "It's nice to be nice to the nice."

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That's Eva Braun. Don't Godwin if you can't get the names right. Unless you refer to Mr. Bitler from the Monty Python sketch, with his "bomcentration bamps."

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Sometimes, what is deeply buried in the bad boy or bad girl is a really horrible person.

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