Maybe she found out that Swiss citizens are required to buy health insurance, by government mandate. (You can see how it's wrecked their economy.)
Like <a href="http:\/\/\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/large_lightbox\/hash\/b6\/28\/1336633161_Bachmann.jpg" target="_blank">this</a>.
Can&#039;t wait for hecklers to start singing this from the back row, wherever 1-L goes:
Γ’Β«ÒΒΒͺ So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night, I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu, Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu.
From <i>Firmly opposed to gay marriage, she may not know that Switzerland recognizes same-sex partnerships. In a 2005 referendum, same-sex couples were granted the same rights as married couples in next of kin status, insurance, taxation, and shared possession of dwelling. In fact, it was the first nation to pass such a law by referendum,&quot; notes the Washington Post. Further, assisted suicide has been legal in Switzerland since the 1940s, and if Bachmann does decide to live in Switzerland, the fierce opponent of ObamaCare will discover that all Swiss citizens are required to purchase basic health insurance. That&#039;s called a government mandate.</i>
Maybe she found out that Swiss citizens are required to buy health insurance, by government mandate. (You can see how it&#039;s wrecked their economy.)
Like <a href="http:\/\/\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/large_lightbox\/hash\/b6\/28\/1336633161_Bachmann.jpg" target="_blank">this</a>.
Maybe they can advise Wyoming on the proper use and care of fresh-water aircraft carriers.
So she&#039;s a Swiss Army Wife?
Can&#039;t wait for hecklers to start singing this from the back row, wherever 1-L goes:
Γ’Β«ÒΒΒͺ So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night, I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu, Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu.
Sounds more like Santorum&#039;s line of work.
Nice to know that MIttens has authoritative precedent from the Founding Fathers.
That&#039;s why you&#039;re only a probationary Wonketteer.
You won&#039;t believe what they find. (At least, I know I won&#039;t.)
Swiss Mrs. misses.
When it comes to citizenship, she tried hitting from both sides of the plate.
When it came to marriage, Marcus...
LESBIANS might try to talk to her in the BATHROOM!
It&#039;s a shameful part of American history, one we should never forget, but it&#039;s just too much.
With her big ass?
From <i>Firmly opposed to gay marriage, she may not know that Switzerland recognizes same-sex partnerships. In a 2005 referendum, same-sex couples were granted the same rights as married couples in next of kin status, insurance, taxation, and shared possession of dwelling. In fact, it was the first nation to pass such a law by referendum,&quot; notes the Washington Post. Further, assisted suicide has been legal in Switzerland since the 1940s, and if Bachmann does decide to live in Switzerland, the fierce opponent of ObamaCare will discover that all Swiss citizens are required to purchase basic health insurance. That&#039;s called a government mandate.</i>
Wow...those examiner comments are priceless