Ryan dreamed of ending Medicaid while at keggers in college. What kind of 19-year-old dreams of removing access to health care from poor children? Why wasn't he throwing up, like everyone else? Or, at least going outside for a "smoke"?

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Even worse, he is a Dominionist.

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Remember Crazy G. Gordon Liddy? He is still alive!

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She is avoiding looking at the camera, as if that blocks the camera's view of her. (I would do the same thing.)

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Pray for all the DOP down, all the way to school board member.

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I am all for Nancy Pelosi going to the Oval Office. The wingers hate her as much as they hate HRC.

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Thanks, Rebecca.

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Less so than the prior alternatives. Ryan has bamboozled the rubes into thinking he is smrt, but he is not.

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This is, of course, also something they regularly accuse Muslims of.

Because... say it with me: "It's always projection with these people."

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He made a fantastic villain on Miami Vice. When the going got nasty, you'd swear he'd said those lines before.

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I'm hoping they do fuck all about it until '18, resulting in a complete thunderfuck repudiation of an election, followed by a swift impeachment. I expect Pence to have done a common Agnew right about then, and the new Dem Congress ain't approving nobody. Boom. Placeholder President Pelosi. Who promptly fires every fucking rat turd hired by this administration.

Bonus round: Gorusch impeached. His High Crime? Accepting the fucking nomination by a traitor.

Hey. A boy can dream.

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Yes it is ! Thank you very much. I can't imagine what the presidency would look like with some of these people...

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This is why I'm resigned to watching this dumpster-fire-on-a-slow-motion-train-wreck for another year rand a half. We need to have a Democratic Congress in place when the final straw drops.

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Ronnie Raygun was acting President for 8 years.

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Mike Pence is Brick Tamland with white hair! Swear to God.https://youtu.be/QN8j8wLmKIA

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