Hell, Oakdale is practically cosmopolitan by Valley standards.

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Does "Log Cabin Republican" appear in the DSM IV?

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Jon Stewart, as usual, nailed it: <i>Obama evolved ... into a candidate.</i>

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Umm ... actually, unless some agency is charged with enforcement, the president gets wide discretion about what laws he wants to enforce.

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<a href="http:\/\/sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ash3\/536803_448826101813515_205344452828349_100677587_292335992_n.jpg" target="_blank">Apparently it's already been toned-down.</a> Remember... Obama flip-flop: announces change in position. Romney flip-flop: tries to pretend that was his position is all along, leaves door open for changing it again tomorrow.

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Obama flip-flop: announces change in position. Romney flip-flop: tries to pretend that was his position is all along, leaves door open for changing it again tomorrow.

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Obama wasn't just against it before Romney was against it; he was for-it-before-he-was-against-it before Romney was for-it-before-he-was-against it.

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One outcome of Democratic support for racial equality is the South's transformation into a solid block of red states.

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Can I have Jeff if you're through with him? I hear he's quite the catch. I'm not gay, but I guess that's the law now or something.

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"Which precise benefits do you <em>want</em> me to think are not appropriate?"

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<blockquote>Yeah, but Romneyboto will react predictably and swing farther to the right on this (no civil unions!). </blockquote>

<a href="http:\/\/kwgn.com\/2012\/05\/08\/romney-speaking-in-colorado-i-do-not-favor-civil-unions\/" target="_blank">Already happened.</a>

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well that beats anything that's going to come out of mittens' mouth today.

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It's actually worse than that. Fox is now calling the President a Flip-Flopper. Newt flips more on policy positions than a spatula at IHOP. <a href="http://nation.foxnews.com/p..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2012/05...">http://nation.foxnews.com/p...

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Yes, Obama has for years opposed the stupid in your state. Yet, it remains.

You're <em>seriously</em> deluded if you think the words of a blah President could've reversed the outcome of a measure that passed by 22 points.

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