You'll have to pry my Cheetos out of my cold dead hands and hardened arteries. I refuse to be healthy, just to spite Obama.

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The horror!

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Why can't we defund the CDC AND climate research? Dare to dream! We're America dammit, we can do both.

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Like this proves anything... more people are insured... ummm, we are forced to be... Captain Obvious! I don't want insurance, I've been perfectly fine without any for over 20 years. Fun facts: Obamacare forced me to accept my workplace insurance... which is cheap ($50/month) but covers nothing until I pay up over $5,000 each year, IN ADDITION TO my premiums. If I was able to use Obamacare... the cheapest plan was $150 a month and coverage was about the same, slightly better. I am single with no children or any history of health problems. Good 'health care' indeed. Stuff it. This helps no one and makes more people broke. Let's force politicians to also use the same plans and see how fast it improves.

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How could Obamacare force you to do anything? (Yep, personal responsibility...) If "being forced" to pay a penalty for not having health insurance, is what you mean, you still have a choice. I don't think you are going to be healthy forever although you might be now (although, how would you know unless you were somehow connected to the system, even if only through wellness programs though your employer?) There are a lot of "silent killers" out there. I just hospitalized a 46 year old for congestive heart failure who had been avoiding clinics and doctors for years. I agree with putting politicians into the same system.

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Obamacare borrowed my lawnmower years ago and never returned it.

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^^^^the same principal that has fueled racism...."no matter how poor, uneducated, oppressed, unemployed, stupid, untalented, etc. a person is they have been taught that as long as they are"white" they are better than the most celebrated black person". And in addition they are taught that to defend and befriend black people you are in danger of losing your "status".

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Was he seriously overweight?

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Congrats!!!!!! I want to go to your doctor!!!

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Obamacare once gave me an atomic wedgie.

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I loved that book. Have you read Cafe Europa? (of course I'm not trying to start a Wonkette Book Club what are you talking about)

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I would love a book club. Really the only thing I miss from RPG.NET's forums was the book thread.

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Not expanding Medicaid has caused more deaths than twenty 9-11s. Allah Ac-fucking-bar, Repubicans!

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My gran took a wrong step off a marble foyer in Turkey (!!!1!!) and had to get a hip replacement there, where the islamofascist so called healthcare system covered everything and she even did 3 weeks of PT before they shipped her back to the States at last.

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Germans like to sandpaper their butts. Two birds with one stone.

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