His love of South Africa's apartheid government became official US policy.

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They were liberated from the prisons that were hospitals and ended up living happily in cardboard boxes. Such a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The epidemic was morphed into a joke during a 1982 press conference.

" 'I don't know a thing about it,' said Press Secretary Speakes. The reporter noted that one in three people who have contracted AIDS have died from what had been called 'the gay plague"—and the press pool, in turn, erupted into laughter.

" 'I don't have it,' said Speakes, as the crowd laughed. 'Do you?'

"The next year, the death toll from AIDS would nearly triple."


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Was regan a racist? duh. But this isn't some Grand Dragon meeting recorded before the master plan was hatched against all races but the mighty aryan one, it's two bigots sharing a secret laugh at the expense of people they have no intention of knowing.

Not going to flame you, but this statement here is wrong. With these two, it is precisely about a master plan hatched against all races but the mightly aryan one.And your good chums doing it just for lolz cause they did not know any brown people? Are assholes.

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Yes, Reagan was a truly, truly terrible man, and the whole "reinvention" of him as some sort of saint in the years after his despicable presidency, is beyond sickening.

This is the man who:

1. As Americans were being held, terrifyingly, captive in Iran, and Carter was negotiating their release, INTERFERED--as a PRIVATE citizen (he was not yet President)--to ask them to hold the release until he was President, so he would get credit. He risked the entire negotiation, and American lives, so he could get the undeserved glory for their release. (THIS WORKED; to this day people think *he* got the hostages released, if they even remember anything about that.)

2. Iran was at that point a terrifying enemy, like ISIS. Following this hostage situation, he then SECRETLY ARMED them--sent them billions of dollars in weaponry and materiel.3. He used the billions they gave him to FUND DEATH SQUADS in Nicaragua. This later became known as "Iran Contra," thanks to the dedicated work of hardworking prosecutors. Many people went to jail. Only to resurface later in places like hate radio, or running the NRA. Reagan eluded prosecution and conviction

4. He refused to HELP THE BURGEONING DRUG CRISIS, embarking on the most insipid, useless "Just Say No" campaign rather than doing anything at all to help. As a result the opiate crisis, the heroin crisis, the crack cocaine crisis all exploded, and to this day people condemn those who suffer, rather than try to help and stop the ongoing tragedy.

5. As Governor of California, he was elected here "to do something about Berkeley." He started the process of DEFUNDING EDUCATION, plummeting CA from 1st in the nation to one of the worst funded states in terms of education, and continued to ruin our educational system nationwide as President.

6. He also SHUT DOWN MENTAL INSTITUTIONS, promising "community centers" that were never funded and never materialized, He continued this terrible destructiveness nationwide, creating our terrible mental health problem where we have thousands of mentally ill people sleeping in doorways and wandering the street.

7. And still, this is his worst, by far: as a strange new disease appeared, seeming to only affect gay men, and as beautiful young men, in the peak of health, died wretched, frightening deaths from this new disease, AIDS, he REFUSED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT AIDS. No attempt to help, no attempt to stop the vilification (people with AIDS were shunned and treated like lepers), no attempt to educate. Not even ONE SINGLE PUBLIC HEALTH announcement, no medical intervention, no information, no help.

As a result it exploded into an epidemic, killing tens of thousands of beautiful young people, an epidemic that destroyed countless lives, and terrified countless millions, allowing people to condemn gay men as "sinful," allowing homophobia to spread like wildfire, driving people underground, destroying even more lives, until finally, decades later, medical research, education, and the dedicated, tireless work of innumerable caring volunteers, began to turn the tide. I lost so many friends. WE lost so many beautiful, talented, artistic, young men. CRIMINAL.

Watching Reagan then become lionized, sanctified, revered, has been a terrible, terrible thing. The truth about him cannot be revealed soon enough for me.

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yep, not really new news but nice to have the confirmation.


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i want to go to Cali just to piss on his grave ( it's there, right? well wherever, i'll be a pissing on it)

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Well, yeah. How else would people know he was talking about Asians?

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You know Nixon screened Deep Throat 25 times until he got it down Pat.

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Don't forget raiding Social Security to pay for his war boners after cutting taxes on the rich.

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I have a photo of a group of us all dressed up to go out to a club, men, women gay, straight. Every gay man in that photo is dead.

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Condoms: they ain't free, you know.

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Probably for the same reason he didn't want to deal with Hillary.

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I upfisted this and then I unclicked it.

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When I was in college, my kid sister and I roomed together. One day I found the movie "Santa Fe Trail" in a bargain bin, and what do you know, it had Olivia deHavilland and Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan in it. We had a good laugh, because wasn't Reagan supposed to have been a shitty actor? Why is he in a movie with Flynn and deHavilland? And won't it be funny to watch a movie with that president from when we were babies?OMG. We watched it all right. With our jaws on the floor and eyes bugging out in horror. When it was over, my sister turned to me and said "what did we just watch? Was the moral of that movie that black people loved slavery?!" It was HORRIBLE. I can't even remember if the acting was bad. I just remember that huge sections of the story made no fucking sense unless you were deeply, horribly racist. You couldn't even MST3K this movie. That's how bad it was.

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Don't forget how he broke up the unions starting with the air traffic controllers. Practically every financial data point showing how the rich got richer and the poor (and middle class) got poorer begins with his administration.

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