And of course, this depends on the fact that 2000 <i>was</i> a leap year, because divisible by 400, so Y2K rules after all.

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The price of getting good things done is letting nitwits claim to have done them, once they realize they're gonna happen anyway.

I look forward to the day when the GOP all stand up en masse and claime to have created Obamacare. They will bitch mightily at the gall of That One for having dared to insist on attaching his name to a plan that everyone knows Mitt Romney developed.

I'm figuring this will happen right around the 2020 elections.

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Because States Rights is just some dumbass Democrat thing, yo.

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Was Nancy comparison shopping?

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Now, now to be fair, the Soviets did invent a few things. Stalinism, for example.

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Not being in favor of contraception wasn't a sign that Ethel Kennedy was a conservative. It was a sign that she was Irish Catholic.

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Currently on a 28-year cycle. It'll get messed up in 2100.

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John Kennedy was a major reason Ronald Reagan left the Democratic Party and became a Republican in 1962.

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Sneaky, huh?<br /><br />Sent from my iPhone

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Yeah, but just try to tell the stoopid libtards that...

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Anti-too soon!

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My favorite conservative Republican thing that JFK did was when he sent the National Guard to southern states to force them to adhere to Brown v. Board of Ed. and his Justice Dept. began prosecuting racists.

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Ted Cruz also leaves out the part about his father fighting for Castro and not knowing that Castro was a communist.

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