2L: If you're going to lurk, move a little closer.

All is well, thank you! I've been over on Amazon, fighting the good fight with right wing nutz who think Ben Shapiro and Edward Klein are authors of merit. It's fun to rattle the bars of their cages.

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Grammar. How does it work?

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Ahahahahaha. You've made my day.

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Aging boomer (thank you, thank you) LIBELZ!!!

Cantor was born in 1963. He's as much early Gen X as trailing Boomer.

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Your old server would have worked faster, if you weren't such a lousy tipper.

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i am very sorry. i did not know. i have to own him.

i am gen x. i own eric cantor.

i am sorry.

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is it next week yet?


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Wait. I thought the definition of insanity was "Republican".

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Caligula liked horses. Shutterfly for the Senate!

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Back off buddy! That's my thing.


(Not Kidding.)

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I will, for sure.

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It's a shame this is probably too late in thread to get the fisting it deserves.

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Trying to fund Obamacare is <strike>just like</strike> bigger than Iran Contra. <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/blogs\/wonkblog\/wp\/2013\/05\/14\/lamar-alexander-sebelius-fundraising-arguably-an-even-bigger-issue-than-iran-contra\/" target="_blank">No, really.</a>

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<blockquote>Obama could be a much more powerful and effective President if we more than once branch of our government capable of functioning.</blockquote>


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Well, and "There is also the mental health component."

No shit, Sherlock Beck (not you Fare, I'm addressing our apprentice troll). If people with mental health problems "choose" to live on the street, what exactly does that "choice" mean? What should we, as a society, do about that?

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Randy Paul is petite too, that explains the poofy hair and love of his own voice.

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