Faster than a beam of light goes through their heads from ear to ear.

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Rebecca Mansour will never be the nazi who says to her fellow nazis, "Are we the baddies?"

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This I have never understood. How did they get inside to get abortions themselves, and why were they given any?

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Yeah...that too.

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Obviously you see the point she was was making.

Our kitchen wasn't big enough for me in that the final decision. Let alone the legislative branch of our state.

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The kitchen table was too small to have congress around and vote for it.

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Her next argument? "What's so bad about orphanages and work houses? Back when those were around, we had a lot less riots and left wing ideologues!"

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I do love the right-wing strategy of just straight up constantly lying, and just calling peaceful protests "riots" while stating that they were violent as if that were fact, even the though the only violence comes from the police and fascist thugs attacking the protesters. In reality, there has not been significant violence from liberal protesters since before I was born, and I'm in my mid-40s; while there has been tons of terrorism from right-wingers.

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I suppose this means we can't be tourists.

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When John Salvi killed 2 people and injured 5 at two different clinics in Massachusetts he was, of course, mentally ill. Not at all someone whose unstable mental state was stoked by the rhetoric of the anti-choice movement.

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American antiabortion terrorist James Kopp brought his campaign to Canada in the '90s. He's the prime suspect in the shooting of Hugh Short in 1994, which ended Short's career as a surgeon. He is also widely believed to have shot doctors Garson Romalis and Jack Fainman. They also survived.

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Dr. Tiller's murderer's family said the same thing, that Roeder was mentally ill. But Roeder himself said he murdered Tiller because he felt that all legal options for stopping his practice had been exhausted and that there was no other choice.

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James Kopp could very well have murdered the son of Dr. Slepian, instead of the doctor - they were in the same room of their house. But, that would have been fine, because that child was already born, and therefore, an acceptable target.

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The 2015 shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood (3 dead, 9 injured) by Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. was perpetrated by a "regular churchgoer". When they searched his trailer there were crucifixes all over. But there's no such thing as " Fundamentalist Christian terrorism", so I'm sure that was a comfort to the victims and their families.

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I hear you on all four points. This is family so occasionally I try.

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She's carrying her bucket of water. It's about distraction. Calling for the arrest of the leaker. Claiming riots will soon be underway. They don't want to talk about the substance. As with all things that happen in the world this is the radical Left's fault. Even though we're pro-abortion the leak and the subsequent violent rioting are clearly on our shoulders.

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