northwestern university, evanston IL, north shore, chicago = hotbed of revolution and left-wing agitprop.

they you go to tommy nevins for a beer.

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I assume they ration them out equally to all attendees, which is why I don't go.

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Install <a href="https:\/\/addons.mozilla.org\/en-us\/firefox\/addon\/adblock-plus\/" target="_blank"> AdBlock</a>. Problem mostly solved.

You could also install the <a href="https:\/\/addons.mozilla.org\/en-US\/firefox\/addon\/flashblock\/" target="_blank">Flashblock</a> add-on, which keeps flash content from even loading. As a bonus, this speeds up page loading.

Finally, to shut down html5 videos, there's a configuration switch (plugins.click_to_play) built into Firefox. Type about:config into the url bar, find it, and toggle it. Or install the <a href="https:\/\/addons.mozilla.org\/en-us\/firefox\/addon\/click-to-play-switch\/" target="_blank">Click to Play Switch</a> add-on, which makes it a tad easier to do.

No doubt some asshole programmer will find some new way to ram unwanted content into your face, but for now, a combination of the above three fixes does the trick.

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"the important support that Chicago teachers get from revolutionary movements’ use of the strike weapon."


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I call bullshit! Summertime is from Porgy and Bess. <blockquote>Summertime And the livin' is easy. Fish are jumpin' And the cotton is high.</blockquote> The obvious deconstruction is "communism".

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<i>Dear god, please don’t make us go look at Breitbart</i>

I’m not going to click link thingy lest I be struck with a plague of boils.

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I call top bunk!

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Do any of these right wing nutz understand Israel was founded as a SOCIALIST country?

"Kibbutz" doesn't mean watching other people play a game while offering them advice.

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Nice hat! Does that guy's head have three corners?

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"Sharkey...appeared caught off-guard and struggled to respond to the question."

Because it was the world's dumbest question?

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