When Zombie Jesus feeds, it's called <b>Reverse Communion</b>.

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I'm not apologizing for other people's typos, but here's a <a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/sarah_palin_preg_map.jpg" target="_blank">fixed version</a> I tried to put together.

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I wish I could say that I made that up, but I remember hearing it somewhere.

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Today the Palins celebrate their creators myth by leading a donkey, bearing Trig, on a palm-strewn pathway into the Wasilla Central Plaza (between the Burger King and EZ Pawn). Trailing behind is Todd, dragging a cross painted red, white, and blue. The three Palin girls are bearing gold, PAC checks, and speaker's fees.

Hosanna! Trig has returned Clan Palin to the media spotlight!

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All Sully has to do is go on about his twelve hour sexathons again, and the Palinites will scatter like cockroaches (while secretly fapping).

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I'm going to go on record and say I don't give a fuck where anyone advertises.

I hated that Trig post too, but instead of crying about it to my corporate overlords, I let Layne take care of it.

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Right up there with their "liberals are the ones who are intolerant because they don't tolerate it when we discriminate against people" argument.

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That explains the ads I get for porn and hobo beans. (Mostly porn.)

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Tacky? Faggots? Can't argue with that.

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Time for the "Whoever wins, we lose!" reference.

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So why aren't I seeing ads for lady-wrestling sites/videos, smart-guy?

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Zombie Jesus loves you....for your brains!

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Love how he puts the word "Big" in front of the topics...like he's trying to attempt Freudian over-compensation.

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In case no one has already said it:

<i>Andrew Sullivan Uses Trig As Political Prop To Attack Palin For "Using Trig As Prop"</i>


I think I (maybe) get what he's trying to say, but the logic is just fucking bizarre.

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