Even better: Official Pentagon statement confirms 30 year old Supreme Court precedent interpreting 222 year old Constitutional Amendment still controlling!

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Hey, look on the bright side, Xtards: the Muslim-in-Chief won't be able to spread his faith either!!

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Are you insinuating that Our Lord And Savior Jesus Tapdancing Christ On A Pogo Stick did not rise from the dead and ascend into the heavens, where he rules at his Father's Right Hand?!?!??!?

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There's really very little these guys like about the First Amendment, is there? Apart from claiming it's being violated when private corporations refuse to reproduce their nonsense, of course.

Also, <a href="http:\/\/www.militaryreligiousfreedo...\/newsletters\/2009-03\/inbox1.html" target="_blank">this</a>. 1985? <strong>Clearly</strong> Obama's fault.

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This isn't exactly news, Blightfart. The Air Force Academy, in particular, has been over-run with Xtards since at least 2005, when the NYT got the ball rolling with <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2005\/05\/12\/education\/12academy.html\?pagewanted=all" target="_blank">an expose article.</a> Five years on, the problem was, if anything, <a href="http:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2010\/09\/22\/former-usaf-academy-professor-slams-christian-bigotry\/" target="_blank">even worse. </a> By then, not being a fundie was almost like being gay -- you had to keep that in the closet, if you hoped to get ahead in the USAF. Now it's 8 years later, and the Pentagon is still struggling to get these fuckers to knock it off. To nobody's surprise, they've finally figured out that nothing short of courts martial will get the fundie assholes to STFU. I fully expect the'll have to actualls put that hammer down on one or two "martyrs". The wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth from Faux News, wingnutz hate radio jocks should be quite impressive.

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You mean being a Marine?

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<i>Breitbart Says Obama To Force Pentagon To Feed Christian Soldiers To Lions, More Or Less</i>

If the Administration makes it pay-per-view, I'm guessing we could balance the budget in no time. Win-win!

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<blockquote> States that are the Bluest </blockquote>

States that are the <strike>Bluest</strike> Reddest


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Apart from that little incident with grease on the cartridges.

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Do we also get free bread when we go to our local arena to see this wondrous festival?

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Don't worry bud, I'll still scratch you behind the ears...

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...or you could have <em>not</em> pressed pause and done some proselytizing of your own.

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<i>"Ah, here is an example:

A chaplain in Afghanistan recently was the target of complaint for sermonizing to troops, including Afghan soldiers, that they had approximately 2,000 days to live and needed to “get right with Jesus.”

That’s not actually a very nice thing to say to people, is it? Especially when some of those people might be, you know, <strike> not into Jesus</strike> about to go into battle and possibly get killed in the line of duty."</i>

There, fixed that for ya.

What would soldiers do without the comfort of chaplains?

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I almost caught the gay from my sister.

Instead I just caught deviancy, a much milder related disorder.

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When visiting a foreign country, it is polite to observe their customs.

How is this any different?

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Meh. I had a second coming once. It was very nice, but not earth shattering.

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