<i>Breitbart is fucking stupid as balls</i>

I don't want to brag, but <i> my</i> balls are a lot smarter than anyone who writes for Breitbart.

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Notice they're not just throwing the word "Immigrant" around anymore, now it's "ALIENS". Because little gray ET's are scarier than pirate terrorists, even.

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Our Gang libel!!!

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It's the star-crossed illegitimate offspring of Willie Wonka and Bill O'Reilly.

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<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/443602\/obama-is-actually-a-somali-pirate-child" target="_blank">One of 'em already got in the country.</a> In fact, rumor has it he sneaked into the White House!

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Vague terror threats and nativist rhetoric - two tastes that do not taste well together!

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Is the National Border Patrol Council anything like the White Citizens Councils?

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Listen, EVERYBODY knows that engaging in a life of crime takes at least 10 years off your appearance. That's just science.

So, fer shur, some of these so-called "children" crossing our borders and taking planes are probably 30-something Muzlin terrorists. Wake up, SHEEPLE!!11!!!!1

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Jeff "The Cannon" Gannon came back?

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OK - I'll write it.

To The Kid In The Picture: "Where are your buccaneers?"

KITP: "Under me buckin' hat."

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If you've ever sat near an infant on a plane with ear pressure or played peek-a-boo with the kid in front of you for a three hour flight, terrorism doesn't seem that far fetched.

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