Republican ?

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An infinite supply of power ... but highly polluting. No surprise that the Republicans are willing to drill it.

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The decision to put it <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2011\/04\/02\/nyregion\/02xanadu.html" target="_blank">in the middle of New Jersey swampland, and to make it as ugly as humanly possible</a>, could only have come from government bureaucrats, so you must be right.

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I don't mind being called a "Leftist" as a pe·jo·ra·tive because it generally comes from a Fascist! So fu breitbarts ghost!

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Being a "conservative" means you don't actually have to know anything about anything. You can just make it up. If you don't like <a href="http:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/info\/rfc821" target="_blank">SMTP</a>, the free market lets you make up a totally different standard. Freedum!!!

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Save the small bookstores! Make Amazon charge sales tax!

Ignore the fact that Amazon's retail price is as low or lower than the discounted price publishers offer those independent bookstores. And Amazon has to inventory the books, pack and ship them to its customers.

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"Seton Motley, the author of this joke article essay? doesn’t seem to understand how the Internet came about or how it works."

And he -- like most conservatives -- understands even less about humor.

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A "private internet" is one that's owned by a multi-billionaire, who then charges whatever the hell he can get away with for access.

And if he decides not to carry "leftist" content, well, that's his right, and certainly OK with Motley and his crew of neanderthals.

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Right wing nutz and humor are a solid combination - like chocolate covered pickels.

Writing about net neutrality, they never seem to get around to mentioning that the issue which started the debate was a poor guy trying to download copy of the Bible.

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Now that its almost common knowledge the "you didn't build that" quote was talking about infrastructure, the new talking point when confronted with this information seems to be that the private sector DID build it...with their tax dollars (thus somehow disagreeing with the point while simultaneously making it).

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Seton: And those microchips that run the computer you are using? And the transistors before them? And photostatic copy machines before them?

Government-funded inventions.

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