This is a collection of crazy. Delusional, racist, dumb. A perfect storm of derp...too perfect.

I smell a CONSPIRACY!!!

I think that trump is still a democratic plant. He never thought he'd win, but now that he has, he plans on making a complete cock-up of the entire thing so no one will ever make the mistake of voting gop ever again.

You did not hear this from me.

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Hum. Argued like any Frosh w/ a snootful of Hegel.

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If you wondered if there was true evil in the world here it is folks, your staring right into the face of it:

"Darkness is good," says Bannon, who amid the suits surrounding him at Trump Tower, looks like a graduate student in his T-shirt, open button-down and tatty blue blazer - albeit a 62-year-old graduate student. "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they - " I believe by "they" he means liberals and the media, already promoting calls for his ouster " - get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

From The Hollywood Reporter - Michael Wolff

As I said before in another post I don't know if if it's drugs or advanced stages of brain damage from alcoholism but we're dealing with a diseased mind here.

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If you look at Breitbart's pageviews vs. Stormfront, 8chan, etc., I'm sure Breitbart would come out on top. That makes them "premier" in my book.

In any case, what the hell was the Breitbart guy trying to argue at all? "Yes, we're an alt-right site, but we're not the premier alt-right site"? So what? What is that supposed to mean? That they're not so bad? If the alt-right is such hot shit like Bannon and the rest of Breitbart seem to think, why WOULDN'T they want to be "premier"?

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Yeah, look what happened to his mentor.

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"l am very stupid" and "I am very racist" seem to go together. Correlation or causation, chicken or egg? Definitely a death spiral positive feedback loop though

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He's giving up glue sniffing this week.

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It's bad enough to see a picture of Bannon, but do you have of him not coming off a bender?

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I am shocked -- SHOCKED! -- at the tone of this post. To imply that we shouldn't endlessly nitpick the meaning of every word in an argment is nothing short of anti-semantic! I guess we just learned who the REAL grammar Nazi is...

--premier commenter for alt-proscriptivism

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"premier", "good", and "not shitty" are 3 descriptions I would never apply to Brightfart "news"

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Käthe Kollwitz, the Busch brothers (Fritz, Adolf and Hermann), the Mann brothers (Thomas and Heinrich), Fritz Lang, Marlene Dietrich, Erich Kleiber and Arturo Toscanini to name a few.

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What depressed me about that article? Was he was totally correct about the election. And other than the Satan worship which doesn't count for some reason, he sounds exactly like my cousin. Who I knew was conservative and maybe didn't read too good but I now realize is straight-up brainwashed. It's like invasion of the body snatchers. I am horrified and depressed because this man holds monstrous views, knows how to orchestrate them, and speaks for a sizable portion of our citizenry. A citizenry whose brains are resistant to every tool of enlightenment humans have worked toward over the last few centuries. It is bad, guys. So, so bad.

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Here, Here!

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I guess he'd rather the ADL called them the shittiest platform of the alt blight?

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"'Cause everybody hurts.....sometimes"

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could be why I could only get sober when I moved to the east coast, or that it was an option

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