Ghost Breitbart finds <em>The Road To Wigan Pier</em> to be excellent autoerotic material. So much so that he&#039;s never yet reached the second half.
From the site: <i>n 1999, then-State Senator Barack Obama invoked the late <strong>radical</strong> Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who passed away in 1996, to promote a universal health care law he co-sponsored and which Illinois voters had overwhelmingly rejected.
The bill incorporated language directly from the late cardinal&rsquo;s 1995 pastoral letter, &ldquo;A Sign of Hope,&rdquo; which argued for a &ldquo;fundamental right&rdquo; to healthcare, reading, in part: &ldquo;Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize that right.&rdquo; ...</i> (emphasis mine) &quot;Radical&quot;? John Paul II put this guy in, so was JP2 a commie traitor as well?
The Chicago Tribune&#039;s words are indeed Orwellian - the Orwell of <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/How_the_Poor_Die" target="_blank"><i>How the Poor Die</i></a>, to be specific.
Oh, like the true irony in the song <em>Ironic</em> is saying things which aren&#039;t ironic, are, and it&#039;s then compounded by people pointing out the things said to be ironic, aren&#039;t, ironically missing the meta-irony?
So, Ghost Breitbart is making him stronger?
You could be on to something, actually...
Not really...calling that statement Orwellian is Orwellian though
Oy, dayenu already!
Ghost Breitbart finds <em>The Road To Wigan Pier</em> to be excellent autoerotic material. So much so that he&#039;s never yet reached the second half.
From the site: <i>n 1999, then-State Senator Barack Obama invoked the late <strong>radical</strong> Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who passed away in 1996, to promote a universal health care law he co-sponsored and which Illinois voters had overwhelmingly rejected.
The bill incorporated language directly from the late cardinal&rsquo;s 1995 pastoral letter, &ldquo;A Sign of Hope,&rdquo; which argued for a &ldquo;fundamental right&rdquo; to healthcare, reading, in part: &ldquo;Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize that right.&rdquo; ...</i> (emphasis mine) &quot;Radical&quot;? John Paul II put this guy in, so was JP2 a commie traitor as well?
He probably cheered for Gale Sayers!!
Obama exploited Catholics by being endorsed by them. That&#039;s as ironic as Bush exploited right wing conservatives by being endorsed by them.
I had no idea Obama wanted to pass laws to get people health insurance! Thanks for the tip, internets!
The Chicago Tribune&#039;s words are indeed Orwellian - the Orwell of <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/How_the_Poor_Die" target="_blank"><i>How the Poor Die</i></a>, to be specific.
Oh, like the true irony in the song <em>Ironic</em> is saying things which aren&#039;t ironic, are, and it&#039;s then compounded by people pointing out the things said to be ironic, aren&#039;t, ironically missing the meta-irony?
The argument against universal healthcare comes right from Jesus, who only healed people who had health insurance.