You should call them just to let them know you have their backs, though.

I call Kirsten and Chuck on the regular to tell them to keep up the good work.

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I remember I took my GREs the day that Thomas "testified," and I was piiiiiiissed about missing the whole day of testimony.

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An excellent list of questions, Mr. Kavanaugh. Do you mind if . . . ?

"If Stormy Daniels says that she spanked you with a magazine featuring your picture on the cover, would she be lying?"

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(And then he would die in the desert, we guess, because Clinton's dick was just a thirsty fantasy.)

That reminds me of that chapter in the Mahabharata where Uttanka, a very wise brahmin, is dying of thirst in the desert when he comes upon a beggar, who whips out his dick and tells Uttanka he can drink his piss. Uttanka is outraged and refuses (because the beggar is an untouchable). Then Krishna appears on the scene and tells Uttanka that the drink he has refused was actually amrita, the elixir of life, which he had previously begged for but which the great god Indra was unwilling to give to a mortal.

There is a profound moral here.

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Well, no, but Whitewater was boring.

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I'm getting a little stiff just reading about it.

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That's actually very true. They like to know when they're doing things RIGHT, so they know to keep doing it.

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From everything I know about Clinton, the idea he would put any effort into giving pleasure to a woman is doubtful!

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Also a gem, in a score that's littered with them.

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Yeah, Newt shot himself in the dick.

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This article sounds like that New Zealand deck sealant commercial.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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If it was that kind of a case....it wasn’t.

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Try and find a goddam President up to Nixon who DIDN'T use the White House for extra-executive duties. They all had mistresses. Some of them were pretty indiscreet about it too. Warren Harding used the WH closets to consummate trysts. One of which ended up with a little reminder, a girl.

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A real President like Kennedy would have been banging Hollywood starlets 24/7. He could sleep with Marilyn Monroe and still get home in time early enough to read his PDB and avert all-out nuclear war by lunchtime.

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this is exactly right.

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You're so lucky. My senators suck. And not in a sexually gratifying way, more in a "soul-crushing, wish a grand piano would fall on my head so I didn't have to listen to their idiot mouths speaking" way.

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