Conservatives have felt bullied by the Left for decades. They feel like they've been forced to bow at the altar of political correctness. They longed for a leader like Donald Trump who would stand up to the bullies, somebody like Brett Kavanaugh who would not cave in to the bullies.Yeah, us left-wing bullies that expect you to treat everybody, not just White Christian Males as actual people. (WCM's women get treated as actual people only so long as they toe the line.) Thank your invisible Sky Daddy that there's someone in the White House and in the SCOTUS that'll encourage you to treat anyone that's not Just Like You as complete shit, just as Jeebus taught you to.

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I always upfist those who upfist Fuck Ted Cruz.

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2024. Feel free to primary his ass then.

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More like There's No Difference In His Mind.

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You mean a wee lil' bit like this?https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PNWR...

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Translation: I OWNED THE LIBS. ME.

Justice Kavanaugh Thanks The Catholic CommunityAs a Catholic, I don't want your thanks.

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I always upfist "Fuck Ted Cruz".

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Oooh, there's a matching necklace, too!


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Uh, Brett's a National Bohemian drinker. I know. I went to beach week in the '80s.

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Let the record show that I AM NOT apologizing for anything! You don't speak for me, you two-bit conman.

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Again, our "President" makes some wildly inappropriate remarks, on the record, in front of the cameras, and no one is the wiser. Thanks, Main Stream Media!! Stop the presses? Nah.

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Yeah, well... Yeah.

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An Air Force FLYOVER for signing a Supreme Court justice? Have we lost our senses? There's still a little time before the weekend-- how about a nice parade, marching troops, maybe a few tanks down Pennsylvania Ave? After all, we've got to hook a brother up. The Justice Dept. doesn't have their own military branch. Give 'em time though, all we need is a little "end of democracy as we know it," and Bro' Kavanaugh will get all the "respect" that he deserves.

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Our country, a man or woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


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We may not have enough to convict him of sex crimes (although an investigation might change that) but we know: he had perjured himself; he is a mean drunk, he is a blackout drunk, he is an alcoholic who hasn't even claimed to have stopped drinking, he whines, and he throws temper tantrums. Any one of those should be sufficient to keep him off the court.

And why do I only hear about that disappearing debt in blog comments? Why wasn't that big news? Damn MSM not doing their job. Reporting on the gossip from the hearing but not potentially criminal behavior.

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Excuse me while I go dry heave for a couple of hours.

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