And you only got to see the comments that <em>weren't</em> deleted.

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Strictly speaking, this demonstrates that Ian Fleming was pretty fucked, which concept is also supported by a fuckload of other evidence.

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I think there is a "Yay!" wanting out around here.

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If you have to ask the price, you've made a serious mistake.

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Data point. I am a single father, and I might be a whore (never had the opportunity to check).

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Somewhat OT, but bringing you this morning's serving of "What is this, I don't even...", according to an MRA I encountered yesterday at RawStory before the comments on the post were shut down*, those single women were almost certainly out raping men, because women raping men happens as often as men raping women, and also too did you know that domestic violence is a problem that affects men as badly or worse than women? Like I say, what is this I don't even!

* due to being a magnet for the most vile misogynist garbage you'll see outside of WOW chat (not coincidentally, it was a <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/05\/28\/feminist-analysis-of-video-game-tropes-booted-off-youtube-within-hours\/" target="_blank">post about Anita Sarkeesian's video</a> being bounced from youtube by male gamers reporting it as inappropriate because they're babies who can't tolerate the existence of differing points of view than their own).

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<blockquote>Anyway, we are pretty sure single mothers do not exist either, unless they are whores.</blockquote>

A question occurs: Are single fathers whores too? Or is automatically the woman who is the whore?

I think I must have slept through that homily.

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hey bryan! you know what a bible sammich?

yeah that's right. hummus.

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Seriously, does anyone actually pay attention to Brian Fissure, other than for purposes of amusement?

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<i>"husbands are to use their stamina and strength to provide for their families"</i>

Fischer demonstrated his own stamina and strength by moving his right hand up and down rhythmically throughout the video.

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So much for intelligent design.

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