They look pretty good compared to Newsmax. At least on Fox & Friends they occasionally take time for short bits about cute animals.

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One of them is melting too fast. I heard that on NPR. Presumably, trump wanted to acquire the one that was disappearing.

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He tried running the Scram Scam on Hank Stram.

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Why do I put myself through reading all the stupid shit those assholes say? WHY, OH, WHY?!?

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Here are the first two things that we do to start the day at Sharkie Daycare.-1. Say a prayer to the Great White Shark. Our Great White Shark, who dwells in the deepest trench, may your name be feared. We prey to you today to give us a great abundance of seals and people to eat. We ask for this in the name of your favorite offspring, Jaws, Chomp Chomp.2. We will all rise, place our fins over our chests, and observe the Shark National Anthem.-https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Looking at those three sitting on the couch yammering their stupidity over the cable lines, I can only shake my head in wonder at the level of moron involved. We all know the back story on the blondes and Roger Ailes. But I have to wonder in horror what the hell Doogie and Krillfish had to do.

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Maybe they could borrow one of them Finnish shark rakes?

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There are a lot of those.

And isn't that frightening, and also explains in some part (other than the MaskLess, who are oft the same ppls) WHY COVID WILL NOT GO AWAY

I loathe these people so much

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Any minute now

Especially when they discover there are Black ones IN ADDITION to Idris playing Heimdall

That is really going to boil their brains, so be prepared

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My question about the viewers … ¿who would sit through such idiocy?

And thus we have the state of the onion .… hapless, hopeless and on its last breath..

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And yet the Russian defensive war against Ukrainian aggression seems to be going badly for the Motherland.

If only the Republicans can crash the American dollar, the ruble will be worth one thousandth of a ruble on the crashed dollar and Kilmeade will be... rich?

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Tell me s'more.

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He also didn't know how to change a fucking tire and nearly managed to crush to death the then-blonde person in the process.

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Just wondering as a layman- At what point does Hillary Clinton legally not have to put up with this shit any longer? If Doofus McDodo says a thing that is a) verifiably incorrect, and b) ridiculously defamatory, can't she take a page out of Dominion/Smartmatic/Abby Grossman playbook and sue the living crap out of them? This does not seem to be a gray area here- it's not just his opinion, but what the report actually states, and he repeatedly misrepresents the truth.

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I want this surfing to be perfect. Clear all the sharks out of the ocean! Organize a brute squad

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