So Denis Nunes is responsible for the Alzheimer's epidemic?

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Why do other languages exist, anyway? it's like so weird!

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IKR, no matter how much I increase the volume the furriners don’t understand. It’s like they have a different word for everything.

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"If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it is good enough for me"

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Brian Kilmeade's job is to make Steve Doocy look like he's not the stupidest man on Fox.

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Ha! He’s the ‘pretty girl’ who thinks people pay him cuz he’s smart and good at stuff, and then is left very confused and betrayed when life happens, aging continues, and the looks fade. The crap that comes out his hole reminds me of a genuinely naive child piecing together opinions based on things they heard grownups saying passionately, and stating them, copying the sounds as best they can. Bad facsimile of a genuine bigot.

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I dunno how they say it in Spanish, but in French it is “le womp le womp.”

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It's so that sensitive young people will have something to major in besides pottery.

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