Great. That’s not really the point though

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Wah, wah, wah. You poor baby. You keep on obsessing about a past election and do jack shit for the future.

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Christ on a cracker. How can people think this way?

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Strangely, 'round about November 2016 I started having an increasing number of thoughts about good vs bad, us vs them. I'd never had them before. Now I have them with increasing frequency. The sight of a Trump sticker/sign raises my blood pressure. I find that I am capable of feeling a great deal of red-hot hate to accompany my grief over what's happening in this country.

And I can't find it in me to feel ashamed. They are being evil. They aren't like us.

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Well, if they can't, they shouldn't be being such bastards themselves.

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I've come to the realization that conservatives believe that if you did anything the slightest bit wrong--or even if someone simply believes you did something wrong--it's okay to mistreat you. Even to the point of death. It's been apparent for a long time with respect to black men--that black guy did something wrong 5 years before, so of course the police were right to shoot him. Even though they didn't know about that 'something wrong' at the time, and the 'something wrong' was just a speeding ticket, and he paid for the ticket and was doing NOTHING WRONG at the time he was shot. When it's a black man, EVERYTHING is a shooting offense. It's despicable and unhinged. And maybe it's why so many of them refuse to ever own up to the crimes you've got them on tape committing; they're afraid that admitting to it will bring on the firing squad. Or make God take notice. Or something. Seriously, it seems both batshit and pathological.

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Are some of them purity ponies Russian ya think? To make you think it’s a bigger problem than it really is? To make people on our side go on and on and on as nauseum about how purity ponies WANTED trump elected?

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That's an interesting argument.If I was to hold a party of 50 in my small European one-bedroom/one-bathroom flat, people will be rightly justified in blaming me for the poor accommodations. Even if I didn't have a choice in hosting all these people, I am not a full idiot and would start looking for a bigger place to have all these guests.Heck, I would be breaking a few laws by having so many people in one place, more so if on top of it I'm giving them food and drink in conditions resulting in harm to their health. If babies were among the endangered people, I would found myself quickly and forcibly relocated in a much smaller flat (I believe it's called a jail cell).

Actually, if anything like this happened to a party I organised, people will be fully justified in telling their friends not to come to my future parties.Oh.It's calculated incompetence. The cruelty is the point.

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Nope, people I know personally. I actually don’t think it’s any kind of massive, all-consuming phenomenon, and sometimes the “purity pony” label gets thrown around carelessly, but it’s also silly to go around insisting this kind of all-the-way-round-the-horseshoe purity politics is all imaginary/not a problem at all.

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Yes!As an old, I can pinpoint the real change to the election of Reagan and his inclusion of far-right Christian groups in decision-making for the government.While these people had been around for awhile, no-one gave them power before Reagan.For all the bad things Nixon did, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with them.

But after Reagan and Bush I, things calmed down a bit with Clinton.And while everyone was assume that the extreme right was fading away, they were just bding their time.

The real impetus that brought them back was the election of Obama.Not to claim any expertise. I knew that if he won, they'd be back, and would only continue to gain more adherents.

Some people don't realise the Trump didn't create these people. THEY created Trump, or rather they created the conditions that made it possible for an extreme, incredibly moronic bigot to become president.And while they themselves are not rich, these people tend to find wealth to be the goal that they expect they will eventually attain, even if it's by the lottery.So Trump is like their dream god - a rich fucking asshole and a grifter just like many of them are in some way.

And they still might elect him again...

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If you think that she doesn't have an influence on some people, you are the one who is mentally deficient.So she was correct in saying Trump would break everything?Fine. MILLIONS OF US SAID THAT!

But we didn't vote for Russian plant Jill Stein, which she did - and she influenced other to become Steinkampfers cause poor Hillary was too dangerous. More dangerous than Trump? NO!.

Look, I was no big fan of Hillary, but sometimes you have to hold your noses and vote for the lesser of all evils. And not give the country to Trump by voting for Stein, or voting for Bernie (in the actual election), of not voting at all.

Do we have the strength and smarts to rebuild it?Maybe WE do, but I have doubts about you. Stop making excuses and start working on REAL solutions, not pie in the sky faux progressivism.

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And providing a Russian plant in Jill Stein.

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Like HermitSonsg said, I known of plenty of people in my alleged liberal town rife with fake liberals, faux progressives, and looney leftists who had no problem throwing women, non-whites, LGBTQ+ people, the poor, disabled people (and others) under the bus by not voting, voting for Bernie in the general, of became enraptured by a Russian plant and became Steinkampfers.

And these turds will do it again, which is part of why I think Trump will likely win again.

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There are 6 right-wing justices on the Supreme court right now who were appointed by two presidents who did NOT win the popular vote - Bush II and Trump.

And the same thing happened in 2000.Some purity ponies just couldn't deal with Gore, and instead voted for Ralph Nader*A simple numerical fact is that if only 1/3 of the people in Florida who voted for Nader had voted for Gore, then Gore's vote margin over Bush's we be well over any amount that could be contested, and Gore would've become president.This might've even have prevented 9/11 as Gore likely would've read the President's Daily Brief that Bush did not, on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden was bound to attack the US.

How did that lack of knowledge work out for us, then?

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I believe that say it's 'rad' and 'gnarly', dude!

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Uh huh. And if Hillary has campaigned harder in battleground states she would’ve won. Oh hey. It’s pretty easy pretending to know this stuff.

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