Vote for it in Tokyo.

Bad-dump-dum. PWISH!

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He's 88 years old & has had a stroke. He has no fucks to give anymore. He just opens his yap & whatever comes out, comes out.

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Plus, they're from Texas. This is just what we call packing for the weekend.

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Show him a picture of Emma González. He'll be off on a rant about feminists being lesbos, murderin' babbies and starting covens.Then TRY and shut him the fuck up.

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And that's how the West was won! Man can get mighty lonely at night out on those Montana plains. And as horny as hell too.

And here is a little clue for you; without consent that act is called 'rape' and is treated as a crime. You are just nostalgic for the days when it was just a crime, even with consent.

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YAY! Arbeit Macht Frei!

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My cookie includes weed. Methinks ol' Pat would enjoy that.

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A nice change from those guys who keep comparing and photoshopping these same kids to look like they are anti Democratic fascists in league with Hitler.

Yeah, it's those same guys who get hurt fee fees and cry Godwin whenever we point out the fact that THEY have more in common with Hitler than the left (especially on that first amendment bit).

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The Kindergarten class gets a homework assignment to ask their parents what they do for a living. After hearing from Susie about her daddy the fireman, and Bobby about his mommy the police officer, the class respectfully claps for Billy, who hands the teacher a neatly folded note before announcing "my parents run a great big whorehouse!"

Hands trembling, the teacher unfolds the note and reads

"actually, my husband and I are co-deans of a university mathematics department. What we do at work a six-year-old could never understand."

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Is it a bad sign that Pat Fucking Robertson sounds like one of the saner conservative voices in this day and age? (hint: yes)

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You are REALLY concerned with the minute details of man on man sex. Your post reads like a gay porn script. Think about that a lot, do you? Ever wonder why?

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Apparently you don't have to know things when you're rich.

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I hear that NASA's next mission is to send a deep probe to Uranus.

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I think states already have that right, but we need SCOTUS to back that up. Which they can do by interpreting the first clause of the 2nd amendment in a favorable manner.

And whether or not I'm a gun owner is irrelevant; I'm in favor of very tightly regulated gun ownership. I want it to be at least as difficult to own a gun as it is to license and drive an automobile. Registration, insurance, mandatory classes and testing on safe and proper use; all that stuff.

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Wait... did I miss the "What foreign money? You're the foreign money!!" phase? Or did they skip straight to the "Who cares about foreign money, it's not even illegal! FAKE NEWS!!1!" phase of pre-indictment denial?

SPOILER: Next is LaPierre getting martyred under the bus because he "doesn't represent the core values of the NRA"

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