Weird as the story was, I gotta say nah to the conspiracy.

1. Statistics on chromosomal abnormality <i>strongly</i> favor the official version.

2. What would have been the motivation? {Unnameable} was born long before Duh Guv was even on WALNUTS!'s radar, and as the subsequent birth of Tripp showed, out-of-wedlock maternity pretty much generates sympathy and support (at least if you're a Republican).

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No, but I really feel like fucking an apple pie.

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Never happen. She has access to money, and Levi appears to be a medium douche.

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I thought about that, and that it could be true. For a value of "weird" equal to "ordinary chit-chat in the real world".

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Coincidence? Or IRONY?

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Oy Oy Ma.

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At this point she's just about a twit, trying to follow in her mom's cuntsteps, but not doing it very well. Give her time.

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<i>I'm concerned about how Peggington Noonanshireginsville is holding up through this scandal considering that Nancy gets all the credit for blowing <strike>Ronnie</strike> everybody?</i>


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Mid-January 2017. Just for the lulz.

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English is renowned as a mutable language (and not just because we steal everybody's words).

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Fuck off, Bristol.

Just a thought.

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What, she got to you?

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And how do you raise eyebrows on a joint, anyhow?

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Ehh. She's between my two sons in age, and about six months younger than my (ex-step-) daughter. Happily, none of mine are public figures -- which has to be weirder than anything she's ever read, evidently. But at 23, most people are in the middle of sorting out their personal beliefs. This is not aided tens of thousands paying attention to you.

If she's still following the Grifterella path in five years, then she's probably gone down the Doughy Pantload road. For now, I'm withholding judgment.

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Um, her parents already knew that. cf, her older bro.

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Wait. Bristol and Ben, and <i>also</i> the BWTB? Is this on PPV somewhere?

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