This message brought to you by the Bailin' Palins: some people never quit. They never start.

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Nor being dragged around on the lawn by your feet.


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Obviously we're being tormented by Bristol Palin's word-skidmarks smudging their stank all over our eyeholes, then we all probably died along with Amercia back in 2009, and went straight to Hell, also too.

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"Sledneck" is what you get when you slide down a hill head first while on our back.

Without a sled.

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I didn't know how much I needed that picture in my life until just now.

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Particularly since she's got quite a bit more free time on her hands right now.

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I saw MTV is thinking about a "Jersey Shore" type show about kids in Wasilla, AK.

I saw that show back in late 2008. It went off the air in early November. It was a flop.

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<i>impeachment has gone mainstream. Can I just say, Mom was saying this months ago!</i>

So that makes Sarah Palin the hipster of inpeach obummer, right?

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Runt cunt at it again I see,cant these people get a life or job and quit the grifting

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Bristol is still blogging?

A better use of her time (and ours) is peeing on the streets of Anchorage while barefoot.

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The Usurper had NUTHIN to do with that, or record DJIA closings, or increased domestic energy production, or reducing the deficit, or the lower unemployment rate! INPEECH!!!1!

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Fewer people in US die of Ebola than have been married to Newt Gingrich. DOUBLE IMPEACH!!!

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