<i>“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”</i>

If she'd stuck to diligent hand jobs, she'd still be the obscure daughter of that screeching harridan. It was lazy hands that got her the inexplicable notoriety she lives off.

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<i>If you want something, you go out and work for it.</i>

I think she's speaking to her kid about his food.

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How hard is it to outcunt your own mother,you cant do that and be lazy in Bristols case

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Also wearing knit caps in season other than winter

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I'm not afraid of it, either. I can lie down right next to it and go to sleep.

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Finished his enlistment, married his pregnant GF, (she) had the kid, got divorced. You know, the usual stuff for a young twenty-sumthin.

To his credit, he's basically kept his head down, so there's that.

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Libs will never understand this.

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re. 2. - she speaks fluent teapartier... which is clueless hypocrisy.

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If her mom had known what an ethic was, perhaps she might have gotten the job more than halfway done.

But that would have required work.

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I don't really consider "premium flavored malt beverages" a bonus, but rock on, Pollyanna.

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What exactly does she do for a living again?

Oh - that's right, she joined the Palin Grifting Co.

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The family hard work model is to appear perpetually offended and self-righteously criticize anyone who thinks differently. With a side order of Jesus and a dash of patriotism.

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I love watching others do it.

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And since her dad is 1/8th Eskimo I think there's a sinecure for that.

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And Jed just killed for food not to impress the NRA crowd. Plus I bet Granny's possum chili beat Grisly Mama's moose chili.

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I'm too lazy to look up whether Bristol has ever said or done anything of any significance, but, no, I am not a millennial.

(Edit: or speller)

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