What's up with his pants? There's room enough for two in there.

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Why is she wearing a doily? A giant doily.

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The exact opposite of Torri Spelling.

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Do the tendrils match the carpet or the drapes? No, but the shoes do.

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She needs a flower in her hair or maybe a feather. Or a boa. Constrictor.

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Why indeed?

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No, but they helped sink a vice-presidential bid.

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Her nose seems to be expanding. Pregnant again?

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We've always got her smokin hot dance partner to fap to, Josh. So there!

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You just know she's going to be galumphing around the stage like a cow on roller skates. Add fringe to that and let the cringing begin!!

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When I saw this outfit I thought 'gypsy.' Now consider this: gypsy young'uns are often hot, but look at 'em when they get all old, toothless and wart-y, and the way they perfect the art of putting curses on things.

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